“Two days?” Ricky replies.
I take out my wallet and hand him my card. “Call me when you have the results.”
“You’re not going to tell Charlotte about me?” Ricky looks apprehensive.
“Whatever your reasons, you’re trying to keep her safe, just as I am.” I slide my wallet back into my pocket. “That’s all I care about. Your secrets are yours to keep.”
The vet looks relieved.
Charlotte chooses this moment to walk in. She’s wearing a pair of sweatpants and a sweater that is two sizes too big.
“I can still work tonight, Ricky.”
“No.” The vet shakes his head. “I’d rather you rest. But come by tomorrow after work, if you can. I have a surgery scheduled, and I need an assistant.”
“I want to give you a checkup, if that’s okay, and do some blood work.” He pulls out his stethoscope from one of the drawers. “At this point, I’m basically your GP, so have a seat, and let’s get this over with.”
Charlotte sits down on the table while Ricky does her physical. It’s a fairly standard procedure, but when he tries to draw her blood, I see the tiny flicker across his face. He hides it almost immediately, but he discards the needle. When he presses a new one against her skin, before he punctures it, his eyes lift to hers.
Whatever he sees there has him agitated, although he does a good show of covering it up.
“All good.” He smiles, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. “Go home and rest.”
“If you insist.” Charlotte gives him an unsatisfied look. “You haven’t let me come in for so long. Are you sure you’re not trying to get rid of me?”
Ricky grins. “And lose my favorite volunteer? Not a chance.”
Appeased, Charlotte grabs her things, and I hand her the car keys. “I’ll be with you in a minute.”
She doesn’t question me, and as she passes by, I see the fatigue in her eyes. Charlotte may be feeling better, but she’s also tired from the whole ordeal.
“Don’t forget the umbrella!” I order, and she shoots me an annoyed look.
“I wasn’t going to.”
Tired and cranky.
That’s not going to be a fun combination when we get home.
Once the door closes behind her, Ricky meets my gaze. “Did you feel that?”
“Feel what?”
“The change in her when I pierced her with the needle?”
“No.” I frown. “She looked normal, and her scent…Well, it’s become sweeter since she threw up, but it didn’t change just now.”
Ricky’s expression is troubled. “Something is off. I’m sure of it. Keep an eye on her tonight. I’ll check this blood and the samples, both your guy’s and whatever I can get off her clothes.”
“What do you think you’ll find?”
“I don’t know.” Ricky’s voice is cautious. “But in the meantime, monitor her and tell me if her behavior changes.”
I’m about to head outside to Charlotte when I pause, recalling something. “The sink. It was cracked.”