“What’re you daydreaming about?” Jazz glances at me, two days after the beautiful date I had with Robert. “You’ve been a little loopy lately. Is it because of the weird guy in the alley? Dad already installed cameras and fixed the lighting back there. If you’re worried—”
“No.” I flush. “It’s not that.”
Jazz is wiping down the tables after the morning rush. There are two people occupying the booth in the back, which is usually reserved for freelancers or remote workers. They pay no mind to our conversation.
“Then what is it?” Jazz sinks into one of the seats. “Not like you to be so spaced out.”
I don’t have anyone to discuss girly stuff with, and while Jazz does tend to get a little too excited, I find myself saying, “Robert took me out on a date the other night, in the woods. He had set up this lovely space with fairy lights and music. There were blankets and good food, and it was just wonderful.”
Jazz’s jaw drops. “That sounds so romantic! I can’t remember the last time Marcus did anything romantic for me. In fact, I can’t recall the last time we went on a date.”
Jazz’s hair has been dyed back to a normal brown shade, and she’s removed her piercings. Lately, she has started dressing more normal. I haven’t asked her what’s going on. She’s the type of person who’ll talk when she’s ready. Right now, she seems to enjoy focusing on my love life.
“So, did you guys do it?” She leans forward, excited.
“Do what?” I look over at her from where I’m setting up our new Halloween display.
She glances at the customers at the back of the cafe and lowers her voice. “You didn’t sleep with him? After everything he did?”
I frown. “No.”
Robert was entirely focused on me throughout the evening, not on what might be in it for him.
“We ate, and then he wanted to dance, but I’ve never danced before.” I laugh, remembering how I kept stepping on his toes as he tried to teach me. “I had a good time. I’ve never gone on a date like that before. Nobody has ever put so much effort into a date with me. But he didn’t ask for anything in return. Not even a kiss.”
Although there were moments when I wanted nothing more than to reach out and slam my mouth down on his, the idea of initiating a kiss had me feeling shy.
“I did want to,” I sigh. “But I’m not that brave. It’s so much easier to follow his lead.”
Jazz gives me a disappointed look. “You do realize that the man is head over heels for you? At least give him something back. Initiating a kiss isn’t that hard.”
“I’m not—I’ve never initiated anything sexual in my life.” I keep my voice low. “What if I mess up? Or what if I try to do something and he doesn’t want to, or—”
Jazz shrugs. “It’s called taking a chance. And when somebody likes you as much as Robert does, he won’t care if your attempt to seduce him is clumsy. Guys like it when women are confident.”
The idea of going up to the Alpha and trying to seduce him is a bewildering one. I keep imagining him laughing at me or staring at me as if I’m acting like a clown.
“Why’re you behaving like a virgin?” Jazz gets to her feet. “You’ve slept with guys before.”
“Yeah,” I confess. “But I’ve never dated one or had to try and seduce one. We would hang out for a bit, do the deed, and then walk away. And it was only two guys. Besides, Robert is way different than them in bed. He’s—”
“You slept with him?!” Jazz cries out in shock.
“Jazz!” I hiss, glancing at the two customers who are now looking over at us in unconcealed interest.
“Sorry!” Jazz slaps her hands over her mouth.
I bury my face in my hands as she covers the distance between us. “You and he—You already did it? When?! How?! Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“It’s not anyone’s business, and I was drunk, kinda, and things just happened…and well, now, here we are.”
“When?” Jazz insists.
“That time we went out to dinner.” I wince, and from her reaction, I was right to hesitate.
“That was weeks ago!” She smacks my arm with each word. “You didn’t so much as breathe a whisper of it to anyone!”
“It’s not like I want to advertise my sex life, Jazz!” I say through gritted teeth.