“Casualties,” my father says, unconcerned. “You have been a thorn in my side for far too long, Charlotte. A few humans are a small price to pay for getting rid of you.”

My blood runs cold. He plans on killing Jazz and Ricky, too.

“I’m not going to let you do that.” I bare my teeth at him. “Let them go. This is between the two of us!”

Beruth Sanguinite gives me a darkly amused look. “Spending time with that wolf Alpha seems to have made you arrogant. You’re in no position to be making demands.”

As an afterthought, he muses, “I’ve been looking into your life. These are the humans who are important to you. Pathetic and mediocre, just like you. At least your sister made something of herself. You chose to go into servitude. Today, a stain from this family’s honor will be removed. But first, I want you to see your precious humans suffer. I want to break this arrogance of yours.”

He moves toward the examination room door, and when I step in his path, he grabs me by my throat. However, I’m no longer weak and helpless. I kick him in the stomach, using every ounce of force within me. He goes crashing back, and the door behind me opens.

Jazz is pale. She has most likely heard the whole conversation. How could she not?

My father straightens up, and I see Ricky cast an anxious look at me as he holds a newborn kitten in his hands. My resolve strengthens.

“Jazz, there’s a gun in my bag. Get it for me. Take my phone and call Robert. Tell him my father is trying to kill me. G—”

The backhanded slap I receive from Beruth has me flying into the examination room. My back hits the table, and as he enters, I shove Zeno into Jazz’s hands and run toward my father. Grabbing him by the middle, I use my years of self-defense lessons to lock my legs with his and yank forward. He tumbles to the ground, and as he does, I scream at Ricky, “Get out! Take them and get out!”

Mano is still giving birth; she’s hissing and snarling and staring at my father, all while yowling through the contractions.

“One of the kittens is stuck inside her!” Ricky yells back.

Jazz is trembling, and she looks at Ricky. “Y—You help Mano.”

She quickly ties Zeno’s leash to the table leg and begins rummaging through my bag. I elbow my father in the face and try to claw at his eyes.


I’m hurled to the side. My body flies through the air like a rag doll, slamming into the glass door. It shatters on impact, and I fall to the ground. Blood impairing my vision, I see my father stride toward the examination room.

I scramble to my feet just as I see Mano jump on his face, screaming. He grabs her by the neck, and his hand tightens. It’ll take two seconds for him to take her away from me forever. The whole world slows down as I see my faithful companion begin to go limp.

Ricky is stepping forward, his lips moving.

So is Jazz.

They won’t make it, I dimly realize.

Something burns inside me. It burns brighter and brighter before shattering. A sound leaves my throat, and when I blink, Mano is in my arms, making gurgling sounds and clinging to me, and I’m at the other end of the room.

My father is staring at me, his eyes wide in shock. He’s not the only one.

“Ricky,” I breathe, fury burning through me. This anger, it’s not just mine. It’s someone else’s. I can feel another presence within me.

I don’t even have to say anything. Newborns in one hand, Ricky rushes over and takes Mano from me.


He runs toward the back of the shelter, and I turn to face my father.

“When did you get your abilities back?” he sputters.

My lips pull back in a sneer. “Once the poison I was given left my system.”

“I can sense your energy again.” He looks awestruck. “How did you get so powerful?”

His words barely register on me.