“No reason.”

“No.” Terrence steps toward me. “You’re hiding something from me.”

When I was young, it was very easy for Terrence to get me to tell him everything. However, I’m not that easily persuaded anymore.

“It really is nothing.” I give him a small smile. “I just heard somewhere that she had red hair like mine, so I was curious.”

Terrence is silent for a moment and then murmurs, “I see.”

It’s obvious he doesn’t believe me, but I’m relieved when he doesn’t push the issue.

“Give me a few days, and I’ll bring you the information you need.”

His smile is sad, and I look away at the heartbroken look in his eyes. But if we’re able to thwart my father’s plans, the harmony we might be able to achieve will go a long way in repairing the fractured friendship between us, as well. I want to be idealistic and believe that.

Terrence reaches for the bag of macaroons, but I pick it up first. “I’ll try them.” His eyes widen, and I give him a small smile. “New beginnings, right?”

He walks away, and once he’s out of sight, I put the bag in my purse. I’ll give one a taste, but not right now.

“Come on, babies.” I look at Mano, who is dozing under the bench. “We’ll get Ricky to look at you, and Zeno needs to get dewormed today. Maybe Robert will meet us there.”

I don’t know how to drive, although Robert has been dropping hints about teaching me soon. I’ve never needed a car; public transportation is usually enough for me. Today, though, I hail a taxi, and with both cat and puppy in my arms, we head to the animal shelter. The taxi drops us off at the corner of the street it’s on, and I make sure the leashes are secure in my hand before walking the last half block.

Opening the door, I call out, “Ricky?”

“Coming!” Ricky walks out, yawning. “Where’s your friend? I thought you were bringing someone to adopt one of the kittens.”

“Jazz?” I check my phone as Ricky lets Zeno lick his entire face in an enthusiastic greeting. “She’ll be here in ten minutes. Any other takers?”

“For the kittens?” Ricky picks up Mano and walks over to the examination room. I trail after him, letting Zeno follow me at his own pace. “We had one interested party, but the girl didn’t want a calico or a black cat, so she left.”

I frown as I watch him poke and prod Mano. “I don’t even know how to respond to that.”

Ricky gives me a tight-lipped smile. “I did. Kicked her out. She called Peaches ugly. How dare she?”

Peaches is the tiniest one of the litter and Ricky’s favorite. I know he’s going to end up adopting her, eventually.

“Well, Mano.” Ricky presses her belly lightly. “You’re very close to giving birth. I would say today or tomorrow. Her abdomen has dropped, and you told me she’s been panting a lot. It is strange, though.”

“What is?” I stroke Mano’s head, and she rubs her hand against my palm.

“You told me she’s not exhibiting any nesting traits. The box and blankets didn’t work?”

“She refuses to go into them.” I look at him. “All she wants to do is to be around Robert or me. She’s taken to sleeping with us, and that means Zeno also wants to sleep with us.” I roll my eyes. “We have chaperones.”

Ricky chuckles. “She feels safe around you. Make sure one of you is around her when the other isn’t. Do you have a picture of the food you’ve been giving her these days?”

“Oh, yeah.” I reach into my bag, and my hand comes into contact with my gift from Terrence. “Hey, you want some macaroons? I’ll probably just eat one, and I know you like sweets.”

Ricky has taken off his gloves and is washing his hands as I open the paper bag.

“Where’d you get them?” he asks, reaching out for one with a grin. However, when he takes a bite, his smile fades.

He grabs the trash basket from below the counter and spits out the cookie.

“What’s wrong?”

Before he can say anything, two things happen at the same time. Mano lets out a pained cry, and the sound of the front door opening reaches me just as Jazz’s voice sounds. “Charlotte?”