Nitro closes the door and I refrain from calling Zeke again. No sense in listening to his voicemail.
Snake did me a solid and transported Shawn to our clubhouse. We have a special place for occasions like this. For what I have planned for him, I need privacy. I walk into the room, which reeks of death. It doesn’t matter how often it’s cleaned, there are some smells you can’t get out.
Shawn squirms when I approach him, spotting the blade in my hand. Good. I want this motherfucker scared. Without saying a word, I pull his shoes off and begin cutting away his clothes. His arms are suspended above him, bound at the wrists, and connected to a hook we have dangling from the ceiling.
“Do you think you can get away with this? You won’t. I promise you that, you piece of shit.”
I ignore him and continue cutting until he’s stripped naked. I look down at his average sized dick and laugh.
“No wonder Cleo was addicted to my cock.”
He smirks. “She does have a delicious pussy, doesn’t she? It’s even better when she’s screaming.”
I fight the urge to jab my knife into his guts, knowing I want this to be a slow and painful death for him. They don’t call me The Widow Maker for nothing.
“She’s a feisty one. I always liked that about her,” he says.
“And no matter what you do to me, she will never forget what
I did to her.”
He closes his mouth, pressing his lips into a thin line when I trail the tip of my knife over the head of his dick. I flick the knife just enough to nick his sensitive flesh.
“Don’t worry, asshole. I’m not going to cut off your dick. Yet.”
He spits into my face, so I ram the knife into his thigh to teach him a lesson. The sound of his screams is pure bliss.
“We both know she isn’t worth this,” he pleads. “I have a lot of connections. I know a lot of people. Now that Hawk is out, we can team up and forget all about that whore. Make some real money together.”
In the past, maybe I would’ve been interested in his offer. Not anymore. Not since I met Cleo. As much as I want to deny it, she’s changed me.
I leave him and go over to a table in the corner. It’s adorned with multiple blades, tools, and overall torture devices. I choose a handsaw. He starts begging immediately upon my return.
“See what you don’t get, Shawn, is that she is worth it to me. You fucked that up for me. And no matter how loud you scream, no one is going to save you.”
I spend the next few days at the Rebels’ clubhouse before going home. The doc came back and checked on me again, clearing me to resume normal activities.
Peyton and Lizzie cleaned up my apartment but it doesn’t erase what happened. Still, I stay because there is no way in hell I’m letting Shawn win. This is my place. My home. He doesn’t get to win.
But the longer I stand there in my nicely clean apartment, the more rage bubbles inside of me.
My home was violated. I was fucking violated! I grab a couch cushion and throw it across the room. Then, I laugh at myself for something so ridiculous feeling so good. I toss the other cushions and kick the table over, ransacking the place until I’m out of breath. It’s more of a mess when I’m done than it was before.
As much as I hate to, I sit down on the floor and cry. I cry over losing my mom all those years ago. I cry over what was done to me right here in this apartment.
And I cry over letting myself fall in love with Zeke Ford.