His warning doesn’t register until he’s lifting me in his arms. Pain radiates through my body but I can’t cry out. I rest my head on his shoulder, clutching my phone in my hands as he carries me out.
Instead of his bike, he’s in an SUV. He gently lays me down on the back seat and I curl into a ball, silently sobbing. The motion from the ride lulls me to sleep and I wake when Zeke is holding me again.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” Zeke says. “She’s going to need a doctor.”
“What the hell happened to her?” Nitro demands. “Oh my God. What the fuck did you do?”
“It wasn’t me. Look, I brought her here. Do you think I’d do that if I was the one who hurt her? I’ll take care of him. I swear.”
“The Rebels will handle it,” Nitro replies. “Take her inside and get the fuck out of here. You may not have done this, but that doesn’t mean you’re not responsible.”
I cling to Zeke and manage to say, “Stay.”
“Either I stay or she comes with me back to the Devils’ clubhouse.”
“Let him stay, Nitro,” Peyton says. “This is about Cleo. Not him. I’ll get the doc.”
“You can stay for now but this is not an open fucking invitation.”
Zeke nods, following Nitro inside the Rebels’ clubhouse. Peyton and Lizzie both try to help me, promising all they want to do is clean me up until the doc can get here and check me out.
“No,” I choke out. “No. Only him. Only Zeke.”
“I’m here, sweetheart,” he whispers. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Fuck, I’m making promises I have no intention of keeping. That piece of shit did this to her because of me. I never should’ve sent that video. I was so blinded by the bullshit going on with the club that I didn’t think of her safety. I’m a selfish asshole.
Cleo sits on the edge of the tub while I turn the water on. She’s still wrapped in the blanket, phone still clutched in her hands. I take it from her and ease the blanket off her shoulders.
“I don’t want you to watch it,” she says, her voice barely a whisper. That asshole recorded it. “Promise me.”
“Okay,” I lie.
I help her up and slowly tug the bloodied shirt over her head. She’s nude beneath it, so I help her step into the tub, flicking the water over to turn on the shower head. I start to step back but she doesn’t release my hand. I toe my boots off and quickly undress before I step in with her and pull the curtain closed. Her entire body is trembling as the hot water beats down on her bruised flesh.
The way I feel seeing her like this is indescribable. She’s my firecracker. That fucker tried to extinguish that. Have I done this to other women? Caused them to go through this much pain because of my actions? When I started trafficking women, it never dawned on me what type of life I was sending them to. All I cared about was the money. What if their fate is worse than this?
Cleo reaches for the soap, but I get it, and begin lathering my hands. She sobs while I wash away the dried blood and semen from her body.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper repeatedly, not knowing if she can hear me.
I didn’t know it was possible for me to care for another human being this way. Seeing her like this has completely fucking gutted me.
I finish washing her and step out of the shower to get us both towels. I wrap her in it, then lift and carry her to the bedroom.
“Don’t leave,” she says.
Rather than lie to her again, I lay beside her until she falls asleep. Once she’s lightly snoring, I ease off the bed and go back to the bathroom. Once dressed, I get her phone. I watch the video over and over. I listen to horrible things he says to her. And I hate myself for causing this. I hate myself even more so for the way I feel about her.
I’m not supposed to be the guy who’s shackled with an old lady. Not supposed to care about someone else more than myself.
I put the phone back on the counter and walk out to find Nitro waiting for me. I give him credit for being as patient as he has been. I don’t know that I could’ve behaved the same.
“The doc will be here soon.”