“This will be our last supply,” Snake informs our supplier.
I’m not the only one who’s caught off guard. We didn’t discuss this the last time we had church. The drug sales along with the illegal gambling are what keeps us afloat when we’re laying low on trafficking. If we eliminate this revenue, how are we going to make ends meet?
“What the fuck are you talking about, Snake? We had a deal. A contract. You don’t get to cancel anytime you feel like it.”
Snake grins. “Actually, I do.”
The man makes a move for his hip but I slam my fist into his gut, dropping him to his knees. I press the cold tip of my gun to his head.
“What fucking contract?”
“It’s been nice doing business with you.”
I keep my gun aimed at him while Snake loads the truck. When it’s safe, I get in the passenger side.
“You want to tell me what the hell that was?”
“We’re going legit. Can’t do that and keep selling drugs and women.”
I glance over at him. “So, that’s it? We’re just done with it all? This has been our livelihood for a long time. Why are we suddenly going legit?”
“I’ve been wanting to go legit for awhile. If we keep selling the drugs, the women, it’s just a matter of time before we all wind up in jail. Or worse…dead. That’s not what the fuck I want.”
Honestly, I never expected any other outcome for me. I’m not going to grow old and spend my days sitting in a rocking chair with my wife of fifty years.
The moment I walked away from that piece of shit who raised me, I knew my life would be short. I’d spent my entire life being my father’s punching bag. All I knew was hard. My life wasn’t suddenly going to become easy.
“What about money? You can’t just cut us off without warning. These drugs…they don’t bring in money like the women do, but we need it.”
He nods. “You just have to trust me, Zeke. I’m not going to put the club in jeopardy.”
“Doesn’t the club get a vote?”
“At church later tonight.”
“After it’s already done. That puts the club in jeopardy. Makes us question your leadership. You burned that damn bridge just now, Snake. You need to make it right. The guys aren’t going to suddenly be okay with changing everything we’re about. Your own son doesn’t agree with what you’re doing and he’s telling anyone who will fucking listen.”
“Maybe you’re right, but Hawk isn’t the president of the club. I am. If we want to still have a club in years to come, we have to do this.”
After this stunt tonight, he may as well have tossed all the money we’ve been making into the flames.
Once I’ve made my mind up about something, there’s no going back. That’s why Zeke is here with me at Shawn’s place, helping me pack my stuff.
I know all the warnings. I’ve seen the red flags. But are they really that red?
I called. He came. That eliminates at least one red flag. I have abandonment issues, so I want a guy who’s there. A guy who comes when I call.
“This yours?” he asks, holding up a lamp.
The glass breaks as he drops it to the floor.
“I think that’s it.”