Page 85 of Watch Me

“He’s a little flirt.” Blake shakes his head, but his eyes stay on me, maybe to see how I respond.

“Not interested.” I’m not. Fox is a good-looking guy, and probably somewhere between Noah’s and my age, but he’s not one of these guys. Four guys are plenty for me.

The attraction I have for them is intense, but there’s these moments where it feels like more than just sex. Maybe it’s the respect they have for me that not all my previous partners had. But I never wanted more than sex from those guys. My gaze raises to Blake. These guys aren’t offering more either.

“Good,” Blake says.

The elevator opens and we both step in. Blake presses the button for the top floor and backs me against the wall. My breath catches at the hungry look in his eyes, even as my panties dampen. Anticipation rages like a fire throughout me. He captures my lips and kisses me as we go up.

When I open beneath him, he takes full advantage, sweeping in to tangle our tongues together. My body heats. His hands on my hips scald me. When the elevator dings its arrival, I already feel like a mess from that kiss.

He smirks and brushes his thumb over the corner of my mouth before exiting the elevator. I take a deep breath and press the ground floor button. I skim my fingers over my bottom lip. It’s crazy that I could still want more after both Coop and Seth gave me orgasms at lunch. All of them set me on fire, making me crave more of them.

I fan myself to cool down. It’s time to get back to work.

As the elevator comes to a halt, I straighten my scarf and draw in a deep breath. I added a little more makeup over the bruise on my cheek to hide it and wore long enough sleeves to cover the bruises on my arms. But I still feel self-conscious. I’m not the same girl as last week. Now I’m a victim and more wary.

Stepping into the bustling lobby is like stepping into another world. Being isolated all weekend made me forget about the thriving metropolitan below us. It’s almost overwhelming, and my fingers check my scarf again.

I search for Fox. He isn’t in the lobby. The brunette hater stands next to the front desk, and her scornful gaze scans over me before she says something to the receptionist.

When she glances at me, she says something that makes the brunette woman cackle. Hope doesn’t like these women, and I understand why. Even though they’re talking about me, I just tip my chin up. I have nothing to be ashamed of.

Fox comes in through the front door and stops at the women. They both smile and touch their hair as he grins at them. I’m too far away to hear their conversation, but both women turn and watch him walk toward me.

“You made it through the week!” His brown eyes sparkle as he unloads his grocery bags off his cart into the elevator.

“I did.”

His personality is big and fun. I can’t help but return his smile as he says, “Be back in two shakes with the rest.”

He walks out of the building and disappears. My gaze falls on the two women, and they arch their eyebrows at me before turning away. I wanted to make friends at work, but I’m not sure how much effort I want to put into making friends with those women.

Fox bursts through the doors carrying another full load of groceries. He winks at the women and heads toward me. “This is it.”

He sets down the bags, and we both find a space in the elevator.

“You like working here?” Fox leans into the corner with his ankles crossed and his hands in his pockets. His hair falls into his eyes as he tips his head down and glances up at me.

I’ve known guys like him. Incorrigible flirts. But damn, do they make it easy to want them. Fortunately, I have four men who have my undivided attention. And don’t need any more cock in my life right now.

“I love working here.”

His eyes narrow at the hoarseness in my voice.

I clear my throat and cough a little. “I had a little cold over the weekend.”

“Cup of tea will clear that right up.” Fox goes back to checking me out. “I like the scarf thingy.”

I touch it with my fingertips. “Thanks.”

Mercifully, the elevator stops, and I rush forward to open the door. He carries the bags into the kitchen and sets them on the island.

“Want me to help put them away?” He gives me a searching look.

I smile. “No, thank you.”

I move so he can come out and then close the door to the apartment. He leans into the same corner of the elevator and watches me hit the button for the lobby.