I nod and tighten my arm around her. Coop sighs as he gets up and leaves the room, still leaving the doors open.
I must have fallen asleep again, because the next thing I know Madison jolts away from me. The sun is much higher in the sky.
“Blake?” Her voice is still hoarse, but it’s starting to heal. She sits up and looks around for something. “Did my alarm go off?”
“Coop turned it off. You needed more sleep.” Sitting up, I rub my eyes.
“I need to get to work.” She shoves off the bed and heads into the bathroom. I look at the closed door and shake my head. Can’t fault her work ethic.
I climb out of the bed and close her doors behind me as I leave. Seth steps in front of me as I close the last door.
“Not now.” I press past him. “She had a nightmare. Should I have left her to scream herself to sleep?”
Seth sighs behind me. I turn to see him contemplating her door. Concern etches his face.
“Coop came in this morning to shut off her alarm. She’s stressed about being late as it is. No one had sex last night. We should discuss a better solution. Maybe rotate who sleeps with her, or she sleeps with one of us each night.” I open my bedroom door but pause before I go in. “She’s been fucking traumatized, Seth. If we can get her through the nightmares by sleeping with her, I’m all for it. She slept like a fucking log on me last night.”
Seth turns, and he nods once at me. “We’ll discuss it at lunch.”
We don’t have a client lunch today, so guess we’re all going to eat together. Fun.
* * *
I’m fucking late. I tap my toe as the elevator goes up one floor. I rush into the break room, and there’s already a pot of coffee and the dishes are put away.
Fuck. That’s my job and I’m already failing today.
I grab a cup of coffee and sit at my desk to run the reports. Just as I finish running them, I feel someone come up behind me.
“How are you?” Coop asks.
Tired. Cranky. Stressed out beyond belief. “Fine.”
He squats beside my chair. His long hair is back in his bun and his face freshly shaven, begging me to reach out and trail my hand over his jaw. “You could take the day off, Madison. You’re still healing. We know you work hard and understand our business. You aren’t really on trial anymore or we wouldn’t have fucked you Friday.”
I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. “I work. That’s what I do, Coop. I can’t just stop working. It keeps me sane.”
He reaches out and covers my hand. “Okay. Then if it gets to be too much, let me know. I have some things you can do while you rest in bed.”
I glance at him sharply.
He brushes his knuckle over my cheek and gives me a sly grin. “Work related. Honest. Just some files you can catch up on.”
I release the breath I was holding. I don’t want them to see me just as a fuck toy. As much as I want them to touch me and fuck me, I also need to be useful. I need to keep learning and advancing. Not stagnate.
“You’ll let me know if you need to lie down?”
I meet his light blue eyes. “I will. Thank you, Coop.”
He straightens to his full height and grabs my empty cup. “I’m heading to the break room. Want another cup?”
I give him a soft, appreciative smile. “Yes, please.”
He gives me a wicked grin before he rounds the corner. I take in a breath and blow it out slowly. First thing is to create a to-do list which includes the grocery order today. Other than that, no one has anything major on their schedule. It should be a light day.
I glance up as Seth walks off the elevator. He heads straight for me. I meet his eyes and notice a package in his hands.