Page 60 of Watch Me

“Some of us still work on the weekend,” Blake replies with a glare. “Not as much, but there’s more to do than fits into the hours of the day.”

“Now that you’re up to speed, we’ll have more projects for you to work on.” Noah flashes her a smile. “You’ll have to tell us if we give you too much. When you can talk again.”

She eats and listens as we discuss this week more. Giving each other information that wasn’t necessarily business important when it happened. She leans back but still has food left on her plate. When I raise an eyebrow, she frowns and pats her stomach.

The others keep talking while they eat. As we finish, we each get up and take our dish to the kitchen to put in the dishwasher. When she grabs her plate to follow, Cooper beats her to it. Putting his hand on her shoulder to keep her from getting up, he kisses the top of her head and takes her plate.

“We have nothing planned for tonight.” I rise and pull her chair away from the table. When I hold out my hand, she slips hers in mine and stands next to me. “We can watch TV or a movie. Read a book. If you’re tired, you can go lie down.”

She turns and looks at the guys cleaning up the kitchen. From the look on her face, she wants to help.

“You need to rest and heal,” I say softly to her, drawing her into my arms because I can. She rests her head against my heart, and it beats harder for her. “You can help when you’re better.”

She glances up at me with her eyebrows raised.

“We should really get you a whiteboard.” I stop as my mind races ahead. “Wait right here.”

I go into my room and grab my tablet, bringing up the writing app. I hand her the tablet and the stylus. She takes it and writes on it.

Thank you.

“You’re welcome.” I take her hand and lead her to the sectional in front of the TV. “What do you want to do tonight?”

Movie? She shrugs as she holds it up.

I nod and pull up Netflix. She sits next to me and curls her feet up on the couch beside her. Her head rests on my shoulder, and she lets out a yawn.

We all might be in trouble with this one.

* * *


The room is dark when I wake with my head in Seth’s lap. The flashing glow from the TV is the only light. His fingers stroke through my hair. My feet are on Cooper’s lap, and he’s gently massaging them.

I have no idea what movie they’re watching. I stretch and Seth’s gaze drops to mine.

“Good nap?” he asks. Something explodes on the screen, but all I can focus on are his dark blue eyes. They’re beautiful, captivating. Will they always be that way to me?

I nod. Today was exhausting. Maybe it’s my body healing from being abused last night, or maybe it’s all the sex and orgasms putting me into a coma, but all I want to do now is curl up and go back to sleep.

“I’ve got her.” Blake’s voice rolls over me.

I open my eyes, not knowing when I closed them. The TV is off and Blake’s arms lift me against his chest. My head rolls on his firm pecs, and I lose track of everything again until I’m being put into my bed.

They tug my jeans off and remove my t-shirt. My bra goes next. I’m barely aware of the hands on me, undressing me. Nothing’s sexual about it. They’re just taking care of me, which feels nice. Then a nightgown is dropped over my head, and I’m allowed to cuddle back under the sheets.

“She’s out of it,” a voice says.

“She’s had a long day.”

A warm body draws me close and I slip away again.

I jerk awake to a darkened room. Arms hold me down and I cry out in fear. My nightmare has followed me into waking. I never got away from Jeff. His arm was steel around me, and his hand squeezed my breast, then Hunter was there leering at me while Valerie laughed in the background.

“Shh, you’re okay. I’ve got you.” Noah’s voice filters through my terror, and the arm that had been gripping me eases. Seth’s hands lightly caress my sides.

Sobbing, I curl into Noah. He holds me against him while his hand strokes down my back soothingly.