Page 107 of Watch Me

“Good. Feeling much better.” And I am. Maybe the sex is an excellent cure or just makes me sleep extra hard. Maybe sleeping naked next to a hot male helps me sleep… though I’m getting used to having a cock thrusting into my pussy as an alarm. Again, not complaining. It’s better than electronic bells any day.

“I’m thinking about tonight.” He drags the tips of his fingers across his lower lip.

“Yeah?” I’m curious if he wants to do something unusual or more prep.

“I have some thoughts.” His heated eyes find mine. “You have Hope over early?”

I nod. My hand touches my scarf. “I’m going to tell her what happened.”

He bobs his head. “I’ll text you if I need you to do anything before coming for me.”

“Do you mean coming to you?”

His hand captures my chin and tips my face toward his. “No. I don’t.”

Heat floods my face as he smirks and disappears into his office.

At least that’s one thing that is guaranteed. They will make me come. Sometimes often, sometimes once. Either way is good for me.

I cross my legs and finish up my day. When Hope texts me she’s ready, I grab my purse and head to the elevator. The elevator reaches her floor and opens. She grins and her eyes go wide.

“I love the scarf. Is that silk?”

I touch the button for the apartment.

“Yes. Thanks.” My fingers go to it to make sure it covers the bruises. “Fair warning. We have to go through the main living area to get to my apartment.”

Hope’s blue eyes widen. “You share a living space with the guys?”

“Yeah.” I touch my scarf. “It’s actually nice.”

“Wow. I mean, I knew there were perks to the job, one of them being the bosses are hot man candy, but to share a living space…” She fans herself. “I don’t think I’d ever take a warm shower.”

I laugh, because yeah, it is hot. Especially when Seth bent me over the couch and fucked me, or Coop ate my pussy on the island. But I can’t share that with Hope. Not now and not ever because of the NDA.

My heart falls to my stomach. Something that is so important in my life right now has to remain a secret. The elevator stops, and shaking off that thought, I open the door to the apartment.

“Holy shit. Now I’m kicking myself for not applying for the transfer. You get to live here?” Hope’s eyes dart around the place. “But if I’d gotten the job, I wouldn’t have met you, so I’m over it.”

We exchange smiles, and I gesture for her to follow me.

I lead her to my door, and we walk into my living space. I have the bedroom door closed. That bed would cause a lot of questions I’m not ready to answer, and can’t answer completely anyway. I’m not sure Hope wouldn’t look at me differently if she knew about me having sex with all four of my bosses.

No trace of sexy times shows in my quaint sitting room.

“Oh, this is so nice.” Hope settles on the couch and puts her feet on the ottoman. She snuggles into the pillows. “Oh, yeah, I could get used to this.”

“Want a drink? I put some wine in the fridge this morning.”

“Yes, please.”

I pour two glasses and then join her on the couch.

“How’s week two going?” Hope takes a sip of her wine.

“It’s good. But I wanted to tell you why I haven’t been downstairs as much.” I set my glass on the end table and turn to her.

She sets her glass down and takes a deep breath. “This seems ominous.”