The knocking continues. I walk to my door, trying to contain my excitement, and look out the peephole. Robert stands on the other side with a piece of cake on a paper plate. His fist pounds on my door.
“Of course,” I say.
Robert knocks again and shouts, “I brought you some cake, Madison.”
“Could you come by on Friday? We can give you your access card at that time.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Wagner, but my neighbor is at the door. Could you hold for one moment?” I feel like I’m shooting myself in the foot. But I can’t concentrate with Robert pounding on my door. Experience tells me, once he knows I’m in here, he won’t go away until I deal with him.
“No problem.”
When I open the door, I point to the phone. Robert nods and holds out the cake. I take it and shoo him away.
“I hope you get the job,” Robert whispers loudly.
He grins and gives me two thumbs up. I close the door and roll my eyes. At least he’s excited for me.
“I am so sorry for that,” I say again. “Yes, I can come by Friday. What time?”
The smell of the chocolate cake makes my stomach rumble. I lock my door awkwardly with the cake in one hand and the phone against my shoulder.
“Does around four work for you?” His voice seems a little more curt.
I straighten and set the cake down. “Of course, whatever time works best for you. I’m available all day.”
“Ms. Harris?” His strict tone does naughty things to my insides.
I bite my lip and say, “Yes, Mr. Wagner?”
“Call me Blake.” His voice is stern. “Is the neighbor going to be a recurring problem?”
What? What is that supposed to mean? Butterflies launch a full-scale assault on my stomach as I wonder if I’ve done something wrong. But he wants me to call him Blake. That’s a good sign, right?
“I don’t understand.” I’m not sure what he wants me to say. Whatever it is, I’ll say it.
“Does your neighbor frequently come to your door unexpectedly?” he asks.
I shake my head. “No. He’s just a lonely guy who’s looking for a friend.”
“Are you?” Blake asks.
“Am I?” This would be easier to follow if his voice didn’t make me feel all warm and gooey inside.
“His friend?”
I glance at the wall my apartment shares with Robert’s. The question from the interview about a boyfriend pops through my head. Maybe they worry about me being distracted.
“Not really. I’m nice because we share a wall and I have to see him every day, but we don’t have long conversations or hang out, if that’s what you want to know.” I stride across the room to my table and sit down in front of my meager meal. “I can assure you, Blake, that my focus will be on my job and on you four and no one else.”
“Good.” His voice is like satin again and that warmth floods my system. “We’ll also have a signing bonus available for you on Friday if you agree to certain conditions of your employment.”
“Signing bonus?” Inside, I can’t help but wonder what conditions. I know about the NDA, but what else don’t I know about?
“We have some nonstandard conditions we would like to offer and agree upon before employment. Whether or not they’re acceptable won’t affect your job at Morrigan Technology Group.”
“Is there something you can send me ahead of time to review?” I have a weird feeling about this. Not weird like Robert weird, but weird like something that’s going to change my life weird.
“We’d rather explain it to you in person.”