Page 80 of Surrender

With Bennett tight to her hip, she approaches our group, flushing and frazzled. She brushes a stray hair away from her mouth, holds Lucy’s hand, and like a magnet, her eyes find mine in through the faces.

It’s like someone turns down the dial on the noise. The chatter from my family and the strains of Christmas music fade into the background.

“I really hate to bother you all, but do you think you could watch them for a second so I can use the restroom? We just got done visiting Santa, and I need a second before we sit down for lunch.”

“Yeah, sure. No problem,” I answer instantly. Twisting, I discard my beer can on the nearest table and take Bennett from Whitney. “C’mere kids. Give your mom a break for a few minutes.”

Whispers rise from my siblings, drowned out by the music overhead.

“Is this the daycare?” Corjan asks.

I bite back a smile. It sure looks that way. “What do you think, Luce? Can I get you a cookie before your mom gets back?”

Her brown eyes take in the adults surrounding her, and she nods. This shy side of the three-year-old isn’t something I’ve seen before.

“Okay. Come with me, but we have to be fast.” I pretend to move quick, and she jogs in her tiny pink boots to keep up. A smile cracks her serious mask when we lose the onlookers. I slow as we near the buffet table, not wanting her to trip and crash into it.

The whites of her eyes expand, and her mouth drops open. “Cookies,” she says low, beneath her breath.

I chuckle and start naming the excessive spread of treats as she points each one out.

“I want all of them.”

“You can have one. But after lunch, if your mom says it’s okay, you can come back for another one.”

She curls her tiny fingers around the edge of the table and peers at the platters. After a full minute of contemplation, she points out a sugar cookie decorated to look like Santa. “That one!”

“Great choice.” I hand her the sugary treat.

Crumbs stick to her lips and cheeks as she bites into the large Santa.

“Thanks for watching them.” Whitney appears to my left, and I hand Bennett back over.

“It’s no problem. Do you want to have lunch with us?” I scrub the heat from the back of my neck. “Since you’re already here, that is. The food is free.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I don’t want to intrude.”

“You’re more than welcome. Nancy Powell isn’t the type of woman to turn anybody away. Especially not kids.”

Tightness creases the corners of her eyes. “Maybe next time.”

I slide my hands into the pockets of my slacks. “Right.”

“I’ll see you later then?”

“I told her she could have a cookie for dessert if you said it’s okay.”

“Looks like she’s already doing that.”

“Uh, I said she could have another one.”

She widens her eyes at me. “She better eat her full lunch, or you’ll be in trouble later.”

Her threat doesn’t land the way she intends it to. Being in trouble with Whitney sounds like a whole lot of fun.

“Just feel free to walk over when she’s finished and help yourselves.”

“Thank you.”