Page 30 of Surrender

“It’s okay.” A tired smile stretches my face. “As long as you’re okay with us being here.”

He steps farther into the room, stopping about ten feet away. His brow knits low on his forehead. “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.”

Right. Stop beating his generosity to death.

Before I can think of something else to say, he jerks his head to the right and says, “I’m going to clean up and stay out of your way.”

I open my mouth to argue, but he turns around. My eyes trace his build. The way his jeans hug his ass simmers heat low in my belly. Jack always did have a fine ass. Round enough to give him some shape without being too big. It looks firm beneath his clothes.

Hormones spring to life after years of lying dormant. I shake my head to rid myself of the thoughts and rock the recliner Bennett and I sit in. Blame the thoughts on the fact I haven’t had sex since the night Bennett was conceived and choke down the guilt that comes from wanting to embrace my sexuality.

Memories surface about all the times I was to be there for Devon’s needs. To open my legs even if I didn’t feel like it or if I was tired of being touched by the kids all day and just wanted to have some time to myself. The way he’d argue that I didn’t understand what it was like to be a testosterone-filled male. As if women aren’t sexual too.

He made me feel like I was his to do with as he pleased, all without caring what I might require in return.

I can’t blame myself for admiring Jack’s ass.

Hoisting Bennett on my hip, we wander into the kitchen in search of something for lunch. Jack took care of both dinner last night and breakfast this morning, so I haven’t even had the opportunity to see what he has in his pantry. After all he’s done for us, I’d like to make him a meal. Still, I feel like I’m invading his space as I peer in the fridge. An anxious ember burns in my stomach.

The refrigerator is stacked. He certainly prepped well for this blizzard. The shelves are teeming with food. Fresh produce, beverages, yogurt, eggs, and thawed meats ready to be cooked. The options are endless.

With one hand, I drag out ingredients for a frittata. Something fresh and light but easy enough with a baby attached to my hip. I can’t use the portable crib because Jack will need his room after his shower.

I get to work whisking eggs and chopping veggies, letting Bennett crawl around my feet. I startle when Jack comes around the corner. He’s wearing sweats and a tee shirt, extending his cell phone to me.

“I’m sorry,”he mouths.

My eyes drop to the black rectangle as if he’s holding a live grenade.

“I tried to tell her it’s a bad time.”

“Who?” I whisper back.

He runs his tongue along his bottom lip. “Bree,” he says quietly.

A jolt of adrenaline spikes through my system. I gingerly pluck the phone from his fingers as if it has teeth and bring it to my ear.


“Oh my god, it really is you!” Bree shouts in my ear. Her enthusiasm tamps down my nerves.

“It really is.” I laugh and stare unseeing at the green vegetables on the cutting board.

“How are you? What are you doing back in town?”

“How did you know I was here?” I eye Jack. Has he been talking about me to his family? I can’t imagine he’d have anything good to say based on the past twenty-four hours.

She had the cops called to my motel, kept up my guests, and her little guy shit all over me and my couch. Oh, and she’s hogging my bed!

He quirks his eyebrow back at me.

“Oh, you know how it is. Jack mentioned to Jude he was helping out this single mom, and those Powell boys gossip like a bunch of old ladies at brunch, minus the cackling. Corjan told me he heard it was someone named Whitney, and I was like, ‘Whitney Brewer? No way!’ so I had to call Jack and ask.”

“It’s me.” I sigh. “My return to town has been eventful, to say the least.”

“It sounds like it! And stuck with Jack in a snowstorm, you poor thing. If he gives you any trouble, just stick him out in the snow until he shapes up. The cold would do him some good.”

“I don’t think I could get him through the door.” I grin.