Page 26 of Surrender

“Yeah. Her parents had some work to take care of out of town.” He shrugs one shoulder. “She didn’t do much except sleep, eat, and drool.”

The smile on my face feels brittle through the gentle ache in my stomach. It wasn’t that long ago Bennett was a tiny newborn. “It won’t be long before she’s a little more active.”

Pieces begin to fall into place. Jack’s gentle and protective nature comes from experience.

“She’s Bree’s and Corjan’s. Maybe you’ll run into them while you’re in town.”

Guilt slams like a sledgehammer into my mood, shattering it. I haven’t spoken to my high school best friend in over ten years, and while our separation felt natural, we both ghosted the other. I have no clue how she feels about me now.

“I’d love to see her.”

Another yawn hits me hard. Jack’s eyes soften at the corners.

“There’s a lock on the bedroom door from the inside. When you and the kids feel settled, go ahead and lock yourselves in for the night.”

“I-I’m sorry if I gave you the impression–”

“Whether or not you think I bite doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take every precaution to avoid my teeth.”


His eyes rove over my face. “Sleep well, Whitney. You’re safe here.”

For some reason, I believe him. But I don’t think I’m worried about my safety.

My heart? That’s an entirely different matter.



“I didn’t mean it, please stop!”

My sobs fall on deaf ears. I crouch in the corner of the bedroom with my hands over my ears to block the sound of the belt whooshing through the air. Despite the way I cower and curl in on my small frame, my eyes never leave Jude’s where he stands stoically in the center of the room. His back receives the punishment for us both.

“Please don’t hurt him!”

“Jack, be quiet!” Jude shushes me and squeezes his eyes shut as the belt lands across his back again. His lips move silently, mouthing words I can’t hear.

I jolt awake. The dream evaporates slowly like a dense fog in the morning. It takes me a moment to remember where I am. The recliner in my living room to be precise. A door closing is audible just above the howling wind outside the window behind me.

I drag my palm over my face, pushing away the remnants of the dream.


Cooper stares at me from his bed. I signal with my head for him to follow, and he steps behind me as I walk to the dark kitchen, searching for coffee. The coffee pot on the counter is set and ready. All I need to do is press start, and the fuel for my morning begins to brew.

I let him out for his morning business. Fat white flakes drop from the black sky. He jumps over a snow drift on the patio to reach the backyard, and I leave the door cracked so he can push his way back in when he’s finished.

I’m not sure where things stand with Whitney this morning, but judging by the snowfall in my backyard, I have a feeling we’ll be spending the day in this house. At least until the plows clear the roads.

While I wait for my drink, I grab my phone off the charger on the counter and check in with my family. Starting with my twin, Jude.


Tension creeps from my bones at hearing his voice. “Morning. How’s everything out your way?”

“Shit. As expected. The dogs can barely stand to be out there in this fucking cold. Except Ashe. She loves this shit.” It makes sense the big Samoyed loves the snow.