I press myself tighter against Jack’s side.
“Glad to hear it.” He clears his throat. “Devon Thompson is being transferred to county this morning. We’ve got him on kidnapping and fleeing a police officer. He also gave the names of those he was working with to forge his death certificate. Officers in Arizona are currently serving their warrants.”
A lump swells in my throat. “Who did he say he was working with?”
Sutton’s gaze darkens. “A sheriff and the town’s medical examiner. You know them?”
“According to Mr. Thompson, they were apparently wrapped up in the same business as he was and planned to share the life insurance payment to settle their debts in exchange for helping him.”
An involuntary shudder rips through me.
“I know you were there last night, Jack, but I want to make it clear that you can rest easy knowing he won’t be a problem any longer.”
“Good.” Jack’s voice is rough.
Sutton tips his head at me before turning his eyes on Jack. “Also to say, Jack, you might also be one of my oldest friends, but if you ever get in the way of my job like that again, I will arrest you, and I’ll do it with a damn smile on my face.”
Jack stands a little taller, his hand tensing on my side. “I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
“Just to say, if you’re looking for someone to arrest, Officer, I’ve got two free hands. Silver bracelets really work with my skin tone.”
We all turn to find Alice standing at the entrance to the kitchen with her hands extended at her waist and her wrists touching.
“Who are you?” Sutton barks a little too loud.
“Alice Thompson. My brother is a convicted felon, but I know how to stay out of trouble.”
She retreats into the kitchen, but not before I hear her say, “Mostly.”
* * *
Three Months Later…
“When do I get to know where we’re going?”
Jack cuts a glance at me from the driver’s seat. “Isn’t it you who once said payback is a b-i-t-c-h?”
“You’re going to be in a lot of trouble when she learns how to spell. Better start curbing those f-bombs.”
He flicks his attention to where Lucy gazes happily out her window, a soft smile on her face.
“I’ve got a few years until then.”
Years. I gulp. My heart pounds at the thought of still being together years from now. I settle my round black sunglasses over my eyes to block out the sun and bite back a smirk.
Spring has begun to tease us with warmer weather. Snow piles slowly melt away, and I can finally leave the house without being fully bundled in gear. There’s always the potential for a late-winter snowstorm this time of year, but I’m manifesting an early summer. I’ve seen enough snow to last until next Christmas.
Jack makes a turn down a familiar street. While I recognize the location, I can’t recall any purpose for being in this residential area.
“Is that…?” I follow the house nearing through my window. My fingertips tingle with nerves. “This is Third Avenue. I was going to rent this house.”
“You were,” Jack confirms.