Page 91 of Surrender

His concern drags me to the present. “Why are you worried? Charlotte’s pregnancy was pretty easy, right?”

He gathers his puppy in his arms, scrubbing a towel over its head. “It’s not the pregnancy itself. She’s just so tired already, and that first trimester has nearly knocked her out. I just don’t know how it can be good for her, ya know?”

I lick my lips. “When did you find out?” I stare unseeing at the tri-colored pup squeaking at my hands in defiance.

He laughs. “At the family Christmas party.”

I suck in a slow breath through my nose as my eyelids slip closed. “Funny place to take a pregnancy test.”

“I guess she couldn’t wait any longer to find out. I found her in the bathroom crying, and she told me right then and there.”

I fight to release my shoulders from my ears. “I’m happy for you guys.” A disbelieving laugh. “A second kid. You’re a lucky man.”

His footsteps sound across the room. The door opens, and Corjan moves closer.

“Are you alright?”


“I don’t exactly see anyone else in here. Do you?”

I finish rinsing the fawn puppy, secure it in a towel, and walk it over to Lee to process. As I return, I spin my back to the basin, ignoring the remaining four dogs splashing in the inch-deep water. Resting my hips against the edge, I cross my arms over my chest.

“I saw that test,” I admit quietly.


“In the bathroom. It was on the counter.”

Corjan stares at me. “I didn’t realize she left it out.”

I tip my chin to my chest.

“You’re mad that Bree’s pregnant?”

“No, dumbass. I saw it after Whitney left the bathroom and thought it might be hers.”

Corjan’s anger deflates like a pricked balloon. “Fuck, Jack, I’m sorry. Wait, is this relief or something else? I can’t tell.”

“It’s not relief,” I say. The emotion for what this fucking is is still processing, but it feels a hell of a lot like disappointment.

“Then I am truly sorry. I take it you didn’t ask her about it?”

I cut my gaze sharply to him. “There wasn’t a way to bring it up.”

“Right. Well, you should do that.”

My nostrils flare as I stare at my boots. “Doesn’t really matter now.”

“You never know. Might be good for you.”

The door creaks open across the room. “You two got any more pups in here, or what the fuck are you doing?”

“Sorry, there was a distraction.” I cut my glance to Corjan, deciphering correctly that he doesn’t want to share the news around when he just mutters his assent.

“If Juniper’s potatoes get cold, you’ll pay,” Lee says. His timing provides the perfect levity to the heavy conversation.

“We’re on it, boss.” Corjan steps up beside me and fishes out a stinky dog.