“This is fun,” Brinley says with a wicked grin.

Kenzie studies the table for what seems like forever. Easton pretends to yawn, and she swats at his arm.

“Excuse me,” Kenzie says, and I back up, watching her bend over right in front of me. Her ass is literally inches away from my dick.

“Watch out, Kenz, you’re going to give Lance a boner,” Easton says like a middle schooler.

I’m not sure if it is an accident or luck, but her ball goes into the pocket. She sticks her tongue out at Easton then stares at him with her eyebrows raised. God, this feels just like old times.

The three of them drink way too much and things get sloppy really quickly. Easton and I have won both games, but only because I’m sober.

Brinley goes to shoot, but the stick flies out of her hands, across the pool table, and hits the wall. She laughs and runs over to pick it up, but I catch Van heading over.

“Okay, you guys are done,” Van says. “If you rip the felt, you’re paying for it.”

“Trust fund boy can afford it!” Easton yells and points at me.

“I’m the sober one, asshole. Whoever rips it is paying for it.”

“Game!” Kenzie says and puts away her stick. “And I gotta pee.” She wavers slightly but rights herself before going into the bathroom.

I sit at our table and Easton joins me, sitting in the opposite chair, while Brinley falls into me and puts her finger over her lips as though she has a secret.

“What?” I ask.

“I haven’t seen her this drunk in a long time. I forgot how fun you are.” Easton grins at our cousin and takes a pull from his beer.

“Whatever.” She gives him her hand and eyes me.

“What?” I ask for the second time.

“I think you still have a chance.” Brinley pretends to be whispering, but I’m pretty sure the entire bar heard her and they are probably leaning a little closer to our table now.

My face falls flat. “She’s engaged.”

“Dude, she’s been eyeing you all night,” Easton chimes in.

Harnessing all the patience I have, I take a deep breath. “You guys, she’s getting married,” I say slowly to give their drunk brains time to process.

“You were her first love.” Brinley jabs me in the chest with her finger. “You deserve to win her. I know you still love her.”

Do I? Probably.

God, that fucking sucks.

“That’s not the point,” I say.

“Why were we all so stupid in our youth?” Brinley asks, staring at me, then Easton. “Why did you fuck it all up and break her heart before college, and why did you shove your tongue down her throat?”

“I’ve apologized profusely about that,” Easton says.

“Whatever. It’s old news anyway. Let’s forget that happened.” She moves her hand through the air as if she can just pluck it out of history. “But you should shoot your shot before she gets married.”

“No.” I’m annoyed that Brinley’s even trying to plant the idea in my head.

“You don’t even like her fiancé. He’s an asshole, and when I was talking to her earlier, I definitely got the vibe that she might not be happy but can’t admit it to herself.”

Is that true? I stare at Brinley until she looks at Easton.