I flick my gaze in his direction, giving him my best evil glare. He’s supposed to be Team Kenzie.
“You know as well as I do that no one knows who writes Buzz Wheel and it doesn’t mean everyone in town shares their opinion,” Lance says.
“Say whatever you like, but I didn’t realize I was so hated here. Had I known…” I stop myself because I am not running away again and allowing his side of the story to be the only one told.
“Well, we’re in this room because Jeanette said it’s available the day of your wedding and it’s a great alternative to outside since the weather likely won’t cooperate for an outdoor wedding. Spring and summer would have been one thing. But this room is small and intimate, and you get the same view.” He motions behind him.
I step through the archway, sliding up to the windows. The view is spectacular.
“It’s really beautiful,” Blake says.
“I told you.”
He nods. “I get it now.”
I turn my attention back to Lance, who now has a piece of paper in his hand.
“Why are you showing me this place and not Jeanette?” I ask.
“Did I not tell you? I’m your wedding coordinator now.”
I feel my mouth drop open and Blake puts his fingers under my chin, bringing my jaw back up.
“Why?” I ask.
Lance doesn’t respond, simply passes the paper over to me.
There are dates and times with certain vendors I know we have to book for the wedding. Cake testing tomorrow at noon, meals and flowers another day…
“You’re my wedding coordinator, but you’re just giving me a list of places to go?”
“I figured you and Will would want to go on your own. I called ahead and they’re expecting you two on those dates and times. Once you decide on things, you can call or email me, and I’ll make note of it all.” Lance walks down the aisle away from us. His suit is navy today and I can’t help but notice how it molds perfectly to his ass.
“Hold on, Lance.”
“What?” He turns back around to face me.
“I’m not going to these places on my own. Sweet Suga Things? Greta probably hates me. She’s not going to want to serve me.”
“You’ll be fine, and you’ve got Blake.” He nods to him behind me. “And Will, at some point, I assume.” He circles around to leave the room again.
The whip of my voice has Lance stopping and turning around again.
“First of all, you haven’t answered my question about why you’re my wedding planner now.”
He blows out a breath as if I’m annoying him and walks back up the aisle. “My mom and dad are trying to teach me a lesson. They think I never should’ve helped you get into Glacier Point, so they’re making me handle it. Mostly because they think I’ll allow myself to be heartbroken by you one last time. But they’re wrong.”
The paper drops from my hands, floating to the floor. I feel like crying and punching him in the face at the same time.
“Isn’t that great? More people who hate me!” My voice grows shrill the louder it gets, and Lance looks over his shoulder as though he’s afraid someone might hear me and come into the room to investigate.
“Maybe I should wait outside.” Blake tries to slide by me, but I put out my hand.
“No. You know what? I’m sick of being the villain here. So, guess what?”
“What?” Blake asks.