As we ride the elevator down from where I record my podcast with Blake, he can’t stop asking me questions. It’s no fault of his—my life in Lake Starlight isn’t something I talk about often.
“So, the Lance guy you dated in high school, he was your first crush?” He looks through his shoulder bag, searching for his cell phone. The man loses his phone like no one I know.
“Not my first crush. First love, though.” I feel my cheeks heat with my admission.
It’s not good that I haven’t stripped Lance from my thoughts all day. That timid boy turned confident man. I bet he’s a world of difference in bed now.
But that’s normal for anyone who unexpectedly runs into their ex, right? You’re going to think about them, assess what’s the same, what’s different. It’s to be expected.
“That’s probably worse.” He holds up his phone. “Thank God. Geoff told me the next time I lose my phone, he’s not replacing it.”
“You do have a job. Replace it yourself.”
He places his hand on my shoulder. “We all have roles in our relationships. Geoff likes to take control and I’m more than happy to let him.”
I shake my head.
“Let’s get back to you.”
The elevator stops on another floor and a man nods, stepping in and turning his back to us.
“It’s nothing really,” I say.
“But you’re going to get married at his dad’s hotel?”
I twist my lips. “It’s hard to explain. I wish his dad didn’t own it, but it’s a really special place for me. I used to dream about being married there. Even if there is snow already, it will be beautiful.”
“Snow? Why on earth would you want snow at your wedding?”
The man in front of us snickers and I have to remind myself to stop talking about details when others are in proximity. I’ve been seen enough in public and in the tabloids for strangers to connect me with the Asburys.
The elevator stops on the ground floor, and we walk out.
“You’re going to make me go to Alaska, aren’t you?” Blake whines and wraps his arm around my shoulders.
I chuckle. “You’re a New Yorker. I think you can handle Alaska.”
“Do we have to stay in an igloo? Ride a moose to get everywhere?” He smirks.
I pull away then playfully swat his arm. “I swear, it’s basically like here.”
We step outside of the building to the horns honking, a mass of people rushing down the sidewalk and the tall buildings blocking the late afternoon sun. Blake raises his perfect blond eyebrows at me.
“Okay, okay. Not exactly like here.”
A dark sedan pulls up to the curb in front of us and the window rolls down, revealing my heartthrob of a fiancé. “Ready, babe?”
“I always get that Mr. Big, Sex in the City vibe when he does that.”
I roll my eyes.
“Except he doesn’t call you kid.” Blake lifts his hand in greeting. “Hey, Will.”
“Blake,” Will says with a nod then turns his attention to me. “We’re going to be late, Kenzie.”
“Hot date?” Blake asks me.
“Dinner with his parents. Wish me luck. I still have to win him over with my idea.” I wink and walk over to the car.