“We won’t.”
“It’s easy in those early years of marriage. It’s a give-and-take, not just give.”
I feel as if she’s trying to tell me something I can’t decipher. I smile politely and finish eating my breakfast.
“I hope you don’t mind, but Blake and his boyfriend, Geoff, are joining us today,” I tell Lance.
Lance finally brings his tie down from over his shoulder. “If there are three of you and you’d like to go on your own, I can find something else to do. Like my actual job.”
“You work too much anyway and I’m sure they don’t have a car, and even if they did, they need someone who knows the area, right, Kenzie?” Mrs. Whitmore asks, surprising me.
“Well, since you called ahead with the flowers and stuff, I’d like you to be there.” I pick up my coffee and catch Mr. Whitmore looking at Mrs. Whitmore and mouthing something.
“Okay,” Lance says, sounding resigned.
“Since we’re going to be in Sunrise Bay, would you mind driving me over to check out where we’re going to be recording the podcast? I rented some space from a Nikki Greene.”
The three of them laugh.
“What am I missing?” I ask.
“Her brother married Calista,” Lance tells me.
Duh. How did I not put that together after seeing it in the news? “Oh, right.”
“They’re back for the off-season. I’m sure you’ll run into them somewhere.” Mrs. Whitmore holds the fork up to Mr. Whitmore’s mouth and he takes the final bite of the croissant.
Lance groans. “Seriously, you have to do that now?”
“You should be happy we still love one another. There are worse things we could do.”
“Like fight in the middle of Sweet Suga Things,” Mr. Whitmore says with a chuckle.
Guess they read the Buzz Wheel article. I hate that gossip app.
“We should get going,” Lance says, sliding over.
His thigh touches mine and a bolt of electricity nails me right between the thighs.
What the hell? That shouldn’t be happening. Sure, I can find him attractive, even miss who we all were back in high school, but my body reacting to his body touching mine? No. No, that’s not okay.
I hurriedly slide out of the booth and grab my coat, panicked by my reaction.
“Well, you two have fun,” Mr. Whitmore says.
“I’m not sure fun is the word I’d use.” Lance hugs his dad and kisses his mom on the cheek. “Have a great day and be sure to continue to find entertainment in my life, not yours.”
“Oh, sweetie, we’re boring old married people. You’re our entertainment.” Mrs. Whitmore laughs. “Bye, Kenzie. Welcome back to Lake Starlight.”
We walk out together.
Once we’re out of earshot, I say to him, “I thought your mom hated me?”
Blake and Geoff are in the foyer, talking to one of the staff members, seemingly about how many crystals are in the chandelier.
“She did.” Lance stops in front of the boys. “Blake, nice that you can join us.”
“Sorry I’ve been holed up for a few days. This is my boyfriend, Geoff.”