“Appreciate that. Give my love to Mom and I’ll be sure to call.” As soon as Juni is asleep, I’m going to crawl in bed next to her. It’s where I spent all last night, too. Little did she know.
“Sounds good. Love you, son.”
“Love you, too, Pops.” We hang up with one another. I take a deep breath, trying to center myself and figure out what’s going to be my next move once Juni wakes up from her nap. All I do know is I’m going to be ready for whatever she throws my way.
This time when I wake up, I recall exactly where I am. The only difference is I’m an inferno of heat, and when I open my eyes, the source is directly beneath me. My cheek is plastered to Lawson’s chest, and I’m like a cat burrowing deeper into him. Good job, Juniper Lynn, way to cavort with your quote-unquote 'kidnapper.' Except he feels too good, this feels too good, and I’m unwilling to move from the luxuriousness as well as the stillness wrapping around the two of us.
A girl could get used to this, waking up with a man she loves even though he pisses her off nearly fifty percent of the time. I’m not sure if that’s normal. It’s not like I had a good role model with my own parents. Even my grandparents weren’t around, though one set had a reason that was worthy. My dad’s parents were the only grandparents I knew. I’d spend school holidays with them, spring break, summer break, fall break, and winter break. I’m not sure if they knew what their son was up to and chose not to say anything, or if they stayed quiet in order to stay active in my life. It sucked when they passed away. Grandma went first, a sudden heart attack, then two months later, grandpa fell asleep and never woke up. I was ten years old when they passed away. That’s when life got worse. No breaks, no love, and definitely no affection. As for my mom’s parents, they weren’t around, and they were barely talked about. I remember bringing it up once and was scorned so abrasively I learned to never ask again.
The tips of my fingers have a mind of their own and lightly graze the smattering of hair on Lawson’s chest. I move them in small, slow circles while my mind tries to come up with how I’ll explain to him the reason I’m so sick and that it’s going to last for at least another six weeks. The only way I’ll be able to so much as breathe without getting sick is by taking my medicine.
“Quit thinking so much, Juni,” Lawson states, like anyone can just magically turn off their brain. That’s like telling me not to worry about it or asking why I’m anxious. It doesn’t help. It makes things worse. Men, I swear they have absolutely no clue. Especially when you’re an overthinker like myself.
“Stop talking. You’re ruining my post nap vibe,” I mutter into his chest. A light chuckle escapes him, and I relish the way it sounds.
“You’re doing that all on your own, babe.” He shifts when I try to move away. Lawson rolls me flat onto my back, my hands move to his chest, and he’s wedging his body between my spread thighs. The last time he had me like this, he was deep inside me, and there was nothing between us except sweat-slicked skin. Our eyes were laser focused on each other’s while our bodies worked in a rhythm so in tune that you’d think we’d been together for years.
“Lawson.” My eyes close, head falling back further on the pillow when I feel his presence. His cock is hard and thick. He’s settling in, some of his weight pressing into me, and I’m welcoming all of him. My traitorous hussy of a pussy is practically begging for him to continue the onslaught of sensations. I’m overwhelmed, and with the way my hormones have been lately, one little graze along my clit, his mouth around my nipple, or his lips on mine, and I know without a doubt my orgasm would overcome my entire being.
“Fuck, baby, look at you.” He drops to his elbows, nose sliding against mine. “Soon, Juniper, soon.” He lowers his hips, dragging them along my center until the head of his cock is grazing my clit. I plant my feet on the mattress, arching myself into him, trying to go after what I want. My mind is doing what Lawson wants. It’s shut off. My only thoughts are getting off and using his body to do so.
“Don’t make me wait. God, please don’t make me wait.” I open my eyes, wanting to see if his are mirroring the same hunger I’m sure are in my own. I’m not disappointed. His eyes are hooded, his tongue slides along his plush lower lip, and finally, I feel more Lawson.
“As much as I want what you’re willing to give, you need food and we need to talk.” A whimper leaves me. I'm unable to voice what exactly I want, and the last thing I’m thinking about is real life.
“Lawson.” There’s a begging to my tone. He pulls his body back, gliding along my slit one more time. His pajama pants and my panties are no match for the sensations rolling through me.
Maybe he’ll kiss me.
Maybe he’ll take me.
Maybe he’ll make me forget.
“Later. Food first. Then I’ll take you on that ride you need, babe. Exactly what we both need.” In one swift movement, he’s up and out of bed. There’s no way to hide his package. His pants do nothing to conceal his hard-on. I close my legs, pressing them together to hopefully help appease some of the ache Lawson created. I already know nothing except his fingers, mouth, or cock will help. Believe me, I’ve tried. This man has absolutely obliterated me for anyone or anything but him.
“Fine, whatever. I’m going to the bathroom, then I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Basically, Lawson just gave me the female version of blue balls.
“No, you’re not meeting me in the kitchen. Bed rest means bed rest. Go to the bathroom. I’ll wait here, then start on lunch. You in the mood for eggs, bacon, and toast?” I shake my head, my stomach revolting at the thought of the look and smell of eggs already, which sucks because damn, I really do love eggs.
“Please. Heavy on the bacon and toast, though, and tomato?” Lawson gives me a look, one as if he’s trying to decipher my weird cravings after being sick for so long. Most people would want chicken noodle soup or something bland. My appetite is raring to go, and I need the food.
“Sure.” He sounds as if he doesn’t believe me, and I know the time to tell him is now. Except he has already turned his back to walk out of the room, leaving me with my damn thoughts again.
“I told you to keep your butt in bed.” I look up from frying the bacon and eggs and see Juniper standing in the doorway of the master bedroom. I guess today is my lucky day. She hasn’t noticed her bag is sitting in the corner of the room right next to mine.
“Umm, the eggs. They’re making me sick.” Her hand slaps over her mouth and nose, eyes darting here and there until they land on the sliding glass door. I watch as she runs toward it, getting there only to fumble with the latch. I’d help her, except I’m stuck where I am, caught between a rock and a hard spot. Wondering what the hell is going on and how I’m going to get her to actually talk to me, or am I going to have to fuck the answer out of her? She gets through the door, runs down the deck, and I’m still standing here, watching like a damn schmuck.
“Juni.” I start to go after her, but I’ve got food on the stove. Food that is genuinely making her lose what little appetite she did have. And as I keep my eyes on Juniper, I’m also turning off the stove. Her stomach meets the railing, and she’s sick a-fuckin-gain. There’s not much I can do about the smell of eggs except toss ‘em in the trash. Truth be told, I never thought they had much of a scent. Shows what I know. For the time being, all I can do is move the pans away from the burners and check on Juniper. Food will have to wait, which doesn’t make me happy. There’s no telling how long ago she’s eaten a full meal.
“Goddamn it.” With us being out here in the middle of nowhere, trash is harder to get rid of. You can’t leave it anywhere because of the animals. The last thing you want is to leave shit out in the open, which means even composting is out of the question. First, I’m going to check on Juniper, then I’ll take care of the rest.