Page 95 of Pawn

The beep is louder. Sun brighter, Jo flying up into the sky, right out of my grip. I try to yell her name but it’s no use, nothing comes out of my mouth. And before I know it, it’s too late.

The brightness eats her alive before it opens wider to swallow me whole.


Sitting up, a wire pulls at my arm. Beeping comes from my right and when my head whips to it, there’s a screen with my heart rate. I’m in one of those paper-thin gowns and it only takes me a few seconds to piece it all together.

How the fuck did I end up in the hospital?

“Damien?” Jo’s voice comes from beside me before a curtain whooshes open. A smile spreads across that sandy brown face, her golden eyes glimmering under the hanging light. “Thank fuck.”

“Okay!” A nurse wheels in some equipment and heads towards me. “Look who’s awake!” She smiles, closing the curtain on Jo. “Give me a minute to run some tests and then you can see him, okay?”

“Can I watch?” I hear Jo ask.

The nurse laughs, smiling my way. “Just a moment.” I want to ask her the same thing. I’m craving her body. That face. Turning to the screen beside me, she starts pressing buttons. “Your girlfriend is very supportive.”

A few months ago we’d both cringe at someone calling her that but now, it makes me feel like all is right in the world. Especially when I don’t hear her protest.

The doctor comes in shortly after but my mind is still on her. I’m hoping she’s okay and I’m hoping no one knows who’s behind that fire. A pain hits my chest but it feels lighter knowing we both got out of there. Alive. Together.

My diagnosis? Smoke inhalation. Doc says I got out before it got too bad. Says there’s some damage to my face but after taking pucks to the dome, soot feels like a walk in the park.

He also says it could have been a lot worse. But the truth is, if I had to do it again, knowing Jo was in that closet, I would.

“Did you check on her?” My body aches when I tilt my chin towards Jo’s bed.

“She’ll be fine.” The nurse says. “We took her in to make sure of that.”

“Good.” My voice is hoarse when I thank the doctor and on their way out, they slide open Jo’s curtain before they close the door.

There’s a moment, both of our eyes dancing around each other’s faces before another smile spreads across hers. Her hair hangs in loose coils around her shoulder, and she looks fucking cute in that little hospital gown. Alive. Yeah, I’d definitely risk it all again.

“Hey,” she finally says. She bites her lip and I can tell there’s a tear in her eye, the way it blurs and shimmers.

“Hey,” I reply, my voice a rocky whisper.

“This place feels like a hotel.” She takes a breath, dodging her own feelings as she looks around the room and I follow her gaze. Wooden floors, dim lighting and a large window overlooking the city. A large sofa sits near a tv built into the wall beside it. They must know who I am because they gave me a room big enough for an apartment. I don’t know whose idea it was to keep Jo by my side but I’m grateful.

“You tryna get us both killed, Rowland?” My throat feels scratchy when I speak, but those eyes on me make it all better.

“I was about to ask you the same question.”

‘Why didn’t you show?”

Her brows furrow when she gets off her mattress, pulling her IV with her before she climbs into my bed. She curls up next to me, her warm hand on my cheek as she looks into my eyes.

You can literally hear my heartbeat get faster, and when she gives me that little smile, it quickens more.

“Damien,” she says, and it’s already breaking my heart and making me hard at the same time. At least he still works. “I was on my way to the library.”

When I arch a brow, she nods a small nod before she lets out a small laugh. It sounds nervous, a tear rolling down her cheek and I can’t help but wipe it away.

“But it’s like the universe wants to keep us away,” she says.

“Or Jordan Huang,” I reply, remembering the last person I saw before I saved her. “He locked you in there?”

There’s a knock at the door and when we look over, a head of purple and brown hair is in the window. Allie waves before the door creaks open, her head peering around it. “Can we come in?”