Page 32 of Pawn

That gets a small croaky chuckle from Damien.

“Really?” Turning to him, I make sure to give him a heavy scowl. “You put booze in this? It’s like, seven o’clock.”

Walking to the stairs, he sits down, leaning back with a shrug. “You look like you need it.”

“We need to get Lea from Montreal,” Allie blurts.

Whipping my head back to her, she waits for an answer. Pulling the mug to my lips, Damien’s right. I do need this. Taking another sip I study her face before I confirm, “You’re serious?”

She pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head like she can’t believe what she’s saying. “I know it sounds crazy but we need to get Lea out of that boarding school.”

“So wait,” a nervous laugh escapes me. “You want us to kidnap Lea?”

“Technically she’s being held against her will.” Allie pulls at the zipper on her jacket, chipped nails scratching against the metal. I haven’t seen her this nervous since The Grove. “I know this sounds crazy but it seems we’re both lunatics.” She gestures to Damien.

When I glance at him to see if he’s as surprised as I am, he lifts his espresso to his lips while he watches us like the news.

Do I want to save the girl that’s been terrorizing me since I’ve stepped foot into Eden? Damien’s ex-girlfriend? No. Not at all.

But do I want to let Allie down? No, not again. Especially not after she helped me find Damien and Willow.

Bringing the mug to my lips, I take another glug. “When?” I ask into my morning cocktail.

Her eyes brighten, shimmering in the hanging chandelier before she gulps again. “Tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?!” I repeat.

“I know! I know! But she has a field trip and it’s the perfect time to get her away from the group. She hasn’t left her school in weeks.”

“You’ve thought this through?”

“It sounds insane but we text all the time and this is the best shot we have.” Nibbling on the inside of my cheek, I’m hanging onto Allie’s words even though it’s weird hearing her mention Lea as “we”. She continues, “It’s only an eight-hour drive and I’ll man the wheel. I just need you with me. C’mon you owe me after what happened and it’s not like it’s not your fault she’s there. Kind of.”

The look in her eyes tells me she’s as determined as she is desperate. If I’m going to mend our friendship, this is the best place to start.

“Fine,” I sigh. A girl-trip could be what I need to clear my head without Damien. I know I’m risking another day of classes but it’ll be worth it for both of us.

“I’m coming with you,” Damien finally speaks, popping my bubble. He rises off the steps, heading to the kitchen like we’re having a casual conversation about a vacation. “We’ll take the train. I’ll have Isobel book everything.”

“What? No,” I protest.

“Actually.” My eyes widen when Allie speaks up. She gives me a winced smile. “That’s not a bad idea.”

I’m starting to think the tragedy on the roof is turning all of us insane. “Are you serious?” I blink.

Damien’s already in the kitchen, mumbling orders to Isobel when Allie answers, “You do know they speak French in Montreal, right? My French sucks and I don’t take it you know any.”

Shit. “Fine,” I groan, taking another long sip of spiked coffee. “Guess I’ll go pack.”

“Looking forward to our trip, ladies,” Damien says, entering back into the foyer with his hand on the rail. He looks over his ripped shoulder, and I try to keep my eyes on his but every part of him makes knots in my stomach tighten. “Just another thing you need me for, Rowland. Besides that orgasm last night.”

* * *

Willow stays at Bella’s for the weekend, making it easy to let go of my worries come Sunday night.

I’m already tired by the time the train arrives, and when the attendant offers to take our bags, we decline.

Allie and I both have our backpacks filled with essentials for the night, all three of us in joggers. Damien has his duffel thrown over his shoulder, a white v-neck under his leather jacket.