“Get her!” Marion screams.
“J-Jo?” When I turn around, my boot slips but with my arms out, I catch it.
Jo runs towards me, that curly Medusa hair a mess on her head. Eyes red and clothes almost as messy as she is, but she still makes everything inside my body come alive. She has fire in her eyes, the same eyes that tell me to “fuck off” or “go to hell” and I know she’s here to fight. Except this time, she’s fighting for me.
With me.
My Medusa.
My angel.
Game’s on, Marion.
A pair of chunky arms stop my march, the smell of tobacco and fried food coming with it.
“Damien!” I scream for him again, my body buzzing, my fists clenched.
Kicking my feet doesn’t get me loose, neither does throwing my body from side to side, hair covering my vision of him.
Damien’s alive, though if I got here a second later, I’m not sure he would be.
His toned body looks rigid on that ledge, chest puffed out. He still has on the white dress shirt he left me in except now it’s all bloodied and crumpled. His slacks are a mess, dirty and falling off his waist. Yet, he still looks like a god. A beautiful king. And he’s not going anywhere.
The corner of his swollen lip lifts in a small smirk, that chiselled cheek bruised. All I want is for him to get off that ledge. My heart booms at the thought of him falling, chest tightening in.
Marion glares at me before she takes a step towards Damien, her hands out. She looks like she’s about to finish the job.
I scream, “No!”
Baldy’s rough palm comes to my mouth as he takes me in his grasp. That startles Damien out of his shock and he hops down before Marion can reach him. His hands come to her chest, his hard pecs taught as she’s pushed to the ground with one hard shove.
Seeing the fight in Damien fuels my fire and I pull the man’s hand down so I can sink my teeth into his skin with a hard, deep bite.
“Ow! Bitch!” he yells, hand dropping from my mouth but when I try to run for Damien, he grabs me by my hair.
“Get your hands off her, you dick-looking motherfucker!” Damien commands, approaching him. He takes quick long strides towards us, fists clenched tight enough to make his knuckles white.
His fist collides with the man’s face in a flash and while he’s stunned, I help push him to the ground. Damien’s on top of him the minute he falls, this sick, menacing look on his face.
Damien laughs as he wails at him. It’s rolling and sinister, ripping right through my gut as his fists pound in every direction.
I know we’re in a fucked up situation but this is pretty fucking hot.
“You idiot!” Marion screams, pushing herself off the floor. Once she’s up, she starts making her way towards the scuffle.
“Get out of here, Rowland!” Damien yells, looking back at me. But when he’s distracted, the man lands a heavy fist into his face that tightens my chest.