“I did. That’s not enough.”
Isaac laughs. He’s one to talk when he fell for my murdering aunt. My eyes catch something in Beckett’s trashed emails that get me to bite my tongue. One from Cindy Huang. ERA’s headmaster is another one of those idiots who forget to empty their trash.
Thank you so much for protecting my child. Consider yourself a true hero.
Rowland’s arrival comes as a sudden surprise and the legacy of our family means everything for our business.
The funds will be transferred shortly.
Thank you.
C. Huang
The date on the email is shortly after Jo’s arrival.
Is that why Cindy was here with Dad so often? Discussing a cover-up?
After scrolling through more emails between the two, it only solidifies Jo’s belief some more. The last one I come across settles it all.
No one can know my child played a part in their death.
There it is. Clear as day. I always thought movies were full of shit. Find a couple of emails that lead you to exactly what you need to know. But people are that stupid. Now I only have to confirm it.
“When are you gonna quit this shit, King?” Christian’s question finally hits me. “You’re playing games with the wrong girl.”
Rising from my seat, I log out of Beckett’s laptop, putting everything back where it belongs. “The minute I get her back.”
The boys help me fix the office back in shape and I even fix the traces of Jo she left behind. A couple of strands of curly hair left on manila envelopes. An oily finger stain on a document doesn’t look too important but I remove it in case.
Isaac bailed her out but I’m still the one who covers her ass. Since King Financial owns this place I was able to step in as the overseer, getting Jo off without a scratch. Paid a hefty bribe to make sure of it. Another hefty bribe went to the computer nerds in Robotics to wipe the cameras before Monday.
“H’oh shit,” Isaac looks at his phone, one eye open. “Vicky wants to hit it at Allie’s party tomorrow.” It makes me cringe when he grabs his cock. “She’s not my type but who am I to say no?”
“Allie’s having a party?” Christian asks, locking the door behind us. “My Allie?”
Isaac lets out a stoned laugh. “Guess you’ll be there.”
Perfect. If Allie’s throwing her first party, she won’t do it without Jo.
Walking down the hall, the wheels in my head turn, already headed to my car through the way we came in, the locker room door. “See you idiots at the party.”
* * *
Allie Perez having a party is like finding the Pope at a strip club.
Shit doesn’t happen.
“Damn,” Isaac looks around the room as we stand in the Perez foyer. Music booms through the home, flashing coloured lights in place of the dim lighting the Perezes usually have. “Twin sis knows how to throw a party.”
Christian laughs but it sounds more nervous than happy. Dude’s never had a party at his house and he’s likely already thinking about what the old man will say if he finds out. Faces from our senior class fill the foyer and the path to the kitchen. A group of girls walk by in short dresses, giggling and waving our way.
“Allie’s dead if our parents find out,” Christian shakes his head as we move further, people making way for us. I don’t give a shit about all this. I’m only here for one reason. Well, two. “I’m going to find her.”
“And I better go find Vicky,” Isaac says, pumping the air with his fist like he’s giving a ghost a handjob. Walking back towards the living area, he waggles his eyebrows, brushing off his yellow blazer. “Catch you losers later.”