Page 63 of Pawn

Fredrick finishes the last line, his head tilting to the ceiling.

“Carson?” I ask, my forearms on my knees as I lean over to catch his eye. “Like, Collin Carson? From Ancaster?”

“Yeah! Near your neck of the woods. It’ll be great for him to have his investments nearby.”

My jaw clenches, fist tight in front of me but I try to remind myself of the truth. I don’t have to play nice with Craig. Just his dad. This has nothing to do with that idiot who put his hands on Jo.

“Will that be a problem?” Harvey asks.

My eyes firm on his, I make sure he gets it. “No problem at all.”

After the regular cordialities, I head back to the main room, my chest held high, eyes scanning for that big head of hair, that tight ass.

When I spot her, my heart picks up again and it’s not only because of the coke. She’s laughing by the bar, her elbow on it. That smile spreads across her face, lighting up the whole room as everything around her slows down.

Fuck. When did I turn into such a sap?

Wait. What the fuck is she laughing at?

My eyes narrow when they land on him.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.



I can’t believe I’m saying this but …

Thank fuck for Craig Carson.

“Seriously, though,” I say at the end of my laughs, soft piano in the background. “Thank you. It’s nice to have someone to talk to.”

“No problem, these things blow.” He leans against the bar, a turtleneck under his blazer and while he’s being nice, I don’t miss his eyes dropping to the deep-v in my dress.

“No party favours tonight?” I ask, ignoring the twist of a woman’s nose when she retrieves her wine. She makes me cough when she turns away, her stinky perfume catching my nose.

“Why? You dealing again?” My eyes widen and he laughs, the piano hitting a high note. “Don’t worry. I’m clean tonight. Well, minus the few beers.” He tips his bottle to his mouth, looking as sober as he claims. He sighs, looking around the room, his back to the bar. “The old man would blow a fuse otherwise.”

Damien’s only been gone for thirty minutes but it feels like forever in an overdecorated room full of rich dicks. The size of this place alone is enough to make me feel small. Knowing the cost of apartments in New York City, there’s no doubt this is millionaire realty.

“No heels tonight?” Craig gestures to my Docs.

“No. Never again.” While I don’t fit in, at least I’m comfortable. “My days in heels are over.”

I’ve already apologized for the way things went at the club and his party. We laughed about it, Craig promising to throw water under the bridge. It’s impressive how mature he’s being about the whole thing. Guess he’s not all that bad when he doesn’t have his crew of sweater vests around him.

“Bummer.” His eyes wander my outfit again. “You look hot in them.” When I roll my eyes he laughs. “But I’ll shut up before King hears me.”

“Too late.”


Damien’s fist lands in Craig’s nose, my body stiffening, eyes wide at the sight.


The piano plays on as Damien pushes him against the bar, giving him another few hits.