A smile pulls at my lips when I remember our time in Montreal. The beautiful view from that Ferris wheel thing. The amazing sex in the sky.
Those three words.
We’re at my biology class before I realize, my head in the clouds like a basic bitch. “You’re not leaving, are you?”
“See you after class, Miss Rowland.”
Shaking my head, I head into Biology, the age-old question on my mind.
What the fuck did I get myself into?
* * *
Sure enough, Bigs is still there after my final class of the day, waiting for me outside the swim building.
So is Pixie, and she’s yelling at him in a pink spring jacket to no reaction.
“Jo, hey!” Pixie says, a wide smile on her face when she sees me. She doesn’t reach much further than Bigs’ abs. “This man wouldn’t let me bring you a pre-warmed towel for after class.”
I’m gonna need Lea to take back her minions. With Pixie waiting for me, I’m actually grateful Bigs is here.
“You don’t have to do that,” I say to her when I get to where they stand, the final bell ringing for the day. “Actually, I don’t need you to do anything. You either, Bigs.”
He points at his chest, raising a bushy eyebrow, unaware of the name I’ve given him.
Pixie stalls out like I’ve broken a wire, her mouth opening and closing like a fish before she asks, “Wh-what do you mean?”
“Jo!” I hear my name from my left and when I look to where it’s coming from, Isaac’s sauntering towards us.
“Oh, hey Isaac!” Pixie greets with a wave big enough to see from space.
“Vicky, hey,” he responds dryly before he turns to me. “Ready?”
My brows furrow. “For what?”
“See you tomorrow, Miss Rowland,” Bigs says, taking off towards the parking lot. Students move around him like he belongs here as Isaac wiggles his keys in my face.
“I’m your ride,” he says. “Willow’s with Jordan.”
“Where’s Damien?” I ask. Even though I much prefer Isaac’s escort to Bigs, I still don’t need one. “Why doesn’t he send a car?” God, I sound like one of them.
“Don’t wanna hang with me, baby?” he asks, pushing his hands into his thick beige coat. “We are tied to the death of a loved one. Or should I say murder?”
My eyes grow wide, looking around us. No one seems to hear but I lower my voice anyway. “What the fuck, Isaac?”
He chuckles, walking towards the parking lot, calling behind his shoulder. “Damien had a meeting. Come on.”
Rolling my eyes, I follow him. Not because Damien wants me to but because I should check on how Isaac is doing anyway. He’s right, a death connects us, one that could change our whole lives. Especially if someone found out.
Once we’re in Isaac’s Rover, he’s quick to whip out of the lot, Vicky waving as we go. He’s quiet once we’re on the road, turning on some trippy jazz. He reaches an arm into the dip in his dash, tapping around for the metal case inside before he pulls out a joint.
Taking it from him, I slip it behind my ear, though I’m tempted to light it after the weird day I’ve had. “It’s best you save this for after you drop me off.”
Isaac’s lips tighten before he taps the screen on his dash, the song changing to another one of his French melodies. The accent in the singing woman’s voice matches Marion’s and it makes my jaw clench. The longer it plays, the more the images of Marion in the air flash in my head.
The thud.
Allie’s scream.