“We will be,” I say, walking behind her.
To kill time, we stroll through the old town of the city, sandwiches in hand. Jo looks beautiful under the morning sun with the backdrop of old buildings and vintage signs. It’s hard to take my eyes off her and it makes me more determined to man the fuck up and give in to this thing.
Allie’s phone goes off. “Shit,” she says, looking at the screen then at the path behind us. “They’re early. Are you guys ready?”
Perfect. Some alone time with Jo is just what I need.
“I’ll text you when we’re in position.” Taking Jo’s hand, I ignore the spark on my skin, leading her to the hotel I had in mind. They have a rooftop that’ll give us a clear view of the action.
All it takes is giving my name to the front desk attendant for her to give us access. Riding up to the twentieth floor, Jo’s trying not to make eye contact but I see it when she glances my way. I also notice the way her mouth moves when she chews on her cheek. She’s as nervous as I am.
“Woah.” Jo’s face brightens when we make it to the top, the view almost as breathtaking as she is. “Well, hello Montreal!” She turns around, the wind whipping her hair across her face. Church bells ring in the distance like the universe sets the stage.
“My mom loved it here.” This stone-tiled roof is empty, except for us, chairs and benches tucked away to the side for the winter. Approaching her on the rail, it’s hard to take my eyes off that ass but she’s right. It’s beautiful here. “Said she felt like she disappeared to another world without leaving the continent.”
“I mean, we are in another country.” Smartass. She smiles and the rooftop gets brighter. “But I get what she meant.”
Scanning the harbourfront, I’m keeping an eye out for any sign of Lea or her school. Leaning over the rail, I glance at Jo, her gaze on the water, the light making her look like the angel she was to me that night. The angel she is to me every day. She’s a big fucking distraction, but maybe it’s not in a bad way.
“So what the fuck was that last night?”
“Me?” Her eyes shift to mine before they’re back on the city. “You’re the one that came onto me the minute Allie fell asleep.”
“So you didn’t kiss me last night is that it?”
“And still, you didn’t say it.” She turns to me.
“You think that’s all it’ll take, Medusa?” I inch closer. “A kiss? You can’t even say what you want me to say.” I call her on her own bluff and she chews her lip, pushing her hand through the top of her curls.
“You said you loved me.” It startles me when she says it, my muscles freezing. “Why can’t you say it now? Huh?”
You’re weak, Damien.
I can’t get his goddamn voice out of my head.
Don’t be a sucker.
“Does it have to take us both dying to feel that?” she asks. “Because if so, this is all a fucking twisted joke of a relationship. A deadly fucking joke.”
My hand slides over hers on the rail, the chilly wind doing nothing against the warmth she brings me. The pain in her eyes is like a bullet to my gut but I don’t know if I can be the one to admit this first.
“Give me a reason to want to stick with all this,” she says, golden eyes boring into me like she’s pleading. “Give me a reason to know you won’t just leave like everyone el—”
“Jo.” I cut her off before I swallow hard. This is it.
Time to man the fuck up.
Damien stares at me like I’m the last girl on earth.
Like the last bottle in the cabinet.
My heart feels like I’m on a treadmill. A very fast treadmill and the longer I stare into his eyes, the tighter the knot in my stomach feels.
Is he gonna say it?