“Did we—” God I can’t even say it. “Did w-we fucking—”
“It was us or her Jo,” he explains and when I look up, he’s approaching me like I’m a wild animal.
He’s speaking to me but I hardly hear him. My brain replays her fall over and over again and I keep hearing the thud in my head. Standing up straight I take a few steps back. He takes a few steps forward.
“Fuck, Damien.” My voice shakes when I look down at my hands like I’ll find literal blood on them. “What did we do?” My back hits a wall, what I’m assuming is one of the chimneys.
That makes him quick to close in our distance and he’s in front of me, bloodied and pale.
“She tried to kill you.” His voice goes hoarse, his forehead falling on mine, his grip on my arms tight and needy. “There’s no forgiveness in that, she had a fucking death-wish.”
His touch calms and horrifies at the same time. But when he wraps his arms around me I let him, his body trembling before his weight presses against me. “You’re okay. We’re okay. I’m so fucking happy you came for me but we gotta go.”
Am I? Am I happy I came back for him only to be in the mess?
I’m shaking all over but with his body against mine, it’s easier to breathe. I want nothing more than to stay like this with him forever, his warm chest on mine like a soothing blanket. But I can’t help but think, my heartbeat racing against his, that all we ever attract is drama, death and debauchery. Because here I am. At another crime scene.
“Is she okay? Willow?” My words are quiet but something tells me if Damien is alive, he made sure she is too.
“King? Jo?” A familiar voice comes from the entrance to the roof. It’s Isaac and with one look around, his almond eyes widen. “Shiiiit! The fuck happened? Where’s Marion?”
A loud screeching scream comes from the front lawn. Allie’s. “What the fuck!?” she yells. “What the fuck!?”
It’s starting to sink in. Another death.
Another murder.
Another life gone that I’m involved in and they’re right.
I am the Grim Reaper.
“Fuck,” Damien sighs, his hand through his hair. “Allie found Marion.” He darts towards the rail and looks over. “We need to get the fuck out of here. All of us. Now.”
“Found Marion?” Isaac’s brows furrow, head tilting before he makes his way over to the rail.
I call him, trying to warn him about what sits below but it’s too late. When Isaac looks over the rail, his knees buckle, falling to the floor before he spews vomit on the balcony floor.
“Guys?” Christian’s voice comes from the steps, his green eyes doubled in size. “What the fuck is going on?”
When I turn around, Willow’s cradled in his big arms, his sister’s wide yellow scarf around her.
“Willow!” A breath of air leaves my gut as I make my way towards Christian, my heart in my stomach. Pressing my hand to her head she’s still warm.
Damien speaks to Isaac behind me while I’m focused on making sure Willow’s alive.
“She’s breathing but she keeps slipping in and out of being awake,” Christian says. “Is everyone okay? Was that a gunshot? Where’s Marion?”
Isaac hurls again and when I turn around, Damien’s hand is on his shoulder.
“We gotta get Willow to the hospital.” I’m trying my best to avoid another fucking death as I head for the stairs, tugging Christian’s arm.
“I’m coming with you.” Damien’s voice is a boom behind me. When I turn around, pulling my jacket tighter around me, he’s hauling Isaac’s limp body off the ground.
Approaching us, he tells Isaac to wait in the car and it’s hard to look in his eyes when I say, “No.”
“No?” His head jerks back, eyes narrowing, jaw clenched.
Isaac looks pale and shaken, like a zombie as he drags himself towards the stairs.