“Whatever the matter, ladies don’t resolve quarrels with their fists.” He scratches lazily at his beard, a patch of grey to the side. “Now, if you will, I have a class to teach.”
I’m grateful for Allie’s help but to save whatever’s left of this first impression, I leave, apologizing to Mr. Trout as I exit the door. When I glance back, Lea’s smiling, waving with a wiggle of her fingers as Mr. Trout closes the door.
Since we’re attempting to save first impressions I’m not going to the Headmaster.
After being in as many schools as I’ve been in, there’s a good chance he won’t check in with the office. He just wanted order in her class and it’s no surprise I took the blame.
God, Lea’s insufferable. Almost as insufferable as Damien, but at least he’s good to look at, as fucked up as that is. I’d be lying if I said he didn’t give me the shivers, even with his hand around my throat.
Fuck. Am I so fucked up I actually liked that feeling? When Eric had me by the neck it felt hostile. Aggressive. And when Zane had me against the dumpster I just wanted to get out. With Damien, my feelings are much harder to decipher.
Finding my locker I look around the hallway. A couple is making out and there's a nerdy-looking boy on his expensive-looking laptop. I hang my backpack on the hook and pull my phone out. All this crazy energy today has got me missing the most important thing. My sister. Tapping my fingers against the screen, I shoot her a text, asking if she's okay.
“And why aren’t you in class?”
Looking up from my phone, there's an older woman with a brooch in her greying hair. She has a sweater vest tucked into her brown skirt and she’s looking at me with stern eyes. I smile, playing it cool. I’m about to give her the standard answer, I’m on a spare, when I hear a voice from Hades.
“She’s on her way to the office, Mrs. Dent.” Georgina skips by in her too-short kilt. She blows me a kiss, a wooden hall pass hanging off her fingers.
Mrs. Dent looks at me with pursed lips. “Well, looks like you’ve won yourself an escort.”
With a groan, I close my locker and swing my backpack over my shoulder before following behind Mrs. Dent. Protesting will only make this worse.
The walk to the Headmaster’s office is short. Mrs. Dent doesn’t leave without ensuring the secretary keeps an eye on me. When she leaves I sulk into the big leather chair in front of the large oak counter. The secretary looks over her screen, curly red hair pushed behind her ear and I attempt to avoid her eye contact.
The clock on the wall ticks like a dripping sink. I’m counting down the seconds until I get a lecture on ERA’s code of conduct and I already want to gag. I sigh, shifting in my seat. Of all the schools I’ve been to, this first day stands out as one of the worst.
Most schools have girls like Lea albeit less annoying, but Damien is another story. Sure he's got a sexy bad boy thing going for him but it’s like he can’t let the dust settle. His poor ego can’t take one person not bowing down to whatever entitled throne he thinks he’s on.
I won't let him break me. No matter how hot he is. I'm stronger than that.
At least I like to think so.
“What are you still doing here?”
Damien’s voice shakes me out of my gaze on the clock's hands. I look around but he’s not inside which means for once, he’s not saying that to me. Even then, my heart starts to race, hands clammy.
“I thought you left.” I hear his voice again which reassures me that I’m not imagining things.
Sitting up in my chair gives me a better view of the window into the hallway. My focus locks on Damien standing across from the same man from the plaque. Sebastien King in the flesh. He’s beside Cindy Huang and I’m hoping she doesn’t assume I’m in trouble.
“I thought you were off the board.” Damien's voice sounds agitated. Almost as irritated as when he gets in my face. “Dad, what’s going on?”
“I’m only here on some business with Cindy.” Sebastien gestures towards the office, his eyes landing on me. His greying brows knit together before he whips his head back to Damien.
“I need to speak with Headmaster Beckett.” Cindy heads towards the office door.
“Tell Edwin good luck in the race.” Damien gives Cindy an actual charming smile before he and his dad walk down the hallway, and out of earshot.
“Jo. Hello.” Mrs. Huang blinks down at me as the office door rattles to a close.
“Heyyy, Mrs. Huang,” I smile, taking a minute to think of an excuse. “Registration stuff.”
“Ah-huh.” I’m not sure if she believes me but she turns towards the counter and requests to speak with the Headmaster.
The secretary nods, curls swaying before she disappears behind a frosted glass door. Cindy turns to look at me and I take my chance.
“Oh, oops!” Tapping my finger against my forehead, I rise from my seat. “I forgot my schedule. Silly me! How can I change my schedule if I don’t have the darn thing?” I roll my eyes before scooting behind her. “Been to so many schools sometimes I forget where I am! See you at the cafe Cindy.”