Page 20 of King

I smile, grateful for his honesty. “They did nothing major, just a lawyer and a journalist.”

Allie raises a brow. “A lawyer?”

I shake my head. “Not that kind of lawyer. My mom still used her fair share of coupons and store brands were our staple. She worked for non-profits.”

Nate wrinkles his nose. “Ew.”

“Still intrigued.” Allie nudges Nate with her elbow. “These people hate your people.”

“What do you mean?”

“She means these rich assholes pay a lot of money to silence people like your folks,” Nate turns around. “That's because people like your folks could ruin people like my folks. Cute though.”

“So where do you two fit in?”

“We don’t,” they say in unison and I find it hard not to laugh.

Before I can pry some more, I notice Christian staring our way from the end of the hall. When I look back at Allie to see if she notices, her eyes are already on him.

“I…gotta go.” She pulls her backpack closer to her before looking at us both. “I’ll catch up with you in class.”

“In like…five minutes?” I ask, but she’s already headed down the hall.

Christian looks around, Allie glancing over her shoulder before they make a sharp turn.

Nate slams his locker closed. “Alright, I’m off to see the sexy bodies of Elite Royal Academy. That’s P.E. Catch you later, Scandal.”

He heads in the opposite direction of Allie and when I turn to look back, they’re both gone. Instead, Lea and her crew walk by, her army doubled in size. I narrow my eyes. “The fuck…”

When I see my sister behind them, carrying a pile of books almost as tall as her, I’m livid. My sister is not being a slave to the school’s Mary Antoinette. Not on my watch.

Storming in their direction, I try to control my breaths. It’s not even the second period and I can’t catch a break. I’m halfway down the hall before someone grabs my arm, hauling me to the side.

My back slams against the wall before Damien King is in my face. And he looks mad, finger pointed at my nose. He enunciates every syllable, “You. Don’t. Belong here.”

I’m getting sick of his shit and it’s only the first day. “Well that’s too bad because in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not going anywhere.”

He’s staring me in my eyes, his breath against my face and the knot in my stomach tightens. “You say that as if I won’t make you.” Damien traps me between his arms, palms on the wall.

I try to move around him but he doesn’t let me. That’s when I see the man I saw earlier on a golden plaque on the stone wall behind him. The lights are shining right on it, the name underneath reading, “Sebastien King.”

My hope for help fades as students move around us. Many don’t look our way, some pass by with a nervous glance at Damien while some of the girls look downright jealous.

“I have the power to cause you a lot of pain, Medusa.” He swoops a curl behind my ear, his finger grazing my skin.

Goosebumps form on the surface from his touch as he slides a hand under my chin. It’s cold, my face is warm. His thumb comes to my jaw, forcing me to look at him as he cocks his head to the side. With Damien’s lips inches from mine, his breath lands on my face, a familiar scent coming with it.

“Booze before noon? You’re not as classy as you think.” I pull my head back, his grip tightening on my jaw. I don’t care who this asshole is, he has no right to put his hands on me. Especially after what he saw last night. “Get off me, Damien.”

“It’s King.” He studies my face, eyes darting around it. “Think anyone would care if little orphan Medusa goes missing?” Pulling his head back, he tilts his head to the other side. He licks his lips. Soft. Moist. "Bet you'll look good on a milk carton.” His eyes drop to my chest. “Or spread across my bed.”

“If you can’t tell...” I wrinkle my nose. “I’m not exactly jumping at the chance to sleep with a privileged brat.” The thought of ever going to bed with Damien King should disgust me. But when it crosses my mind, his hands on my skin, I have to clench my thighs together.

His hand drops from my jaw to the top button of my blouse. With one tug, it pops open before he’s on to the other. “What the fuck are you doing?” I try to stop him but he slaps my hand away, pinning it to the side of my thigh.

Damien’s eyes stay on my chest. “Since I’m so privileged you know it would be an honour to spread that dirty little hole for me.” He presses his chest harder into mine, my tits squishing against his hard pecs, and holy fuck…Damien King is hard.

“You’re enjoying this,” I gasp, trying to move my head back from him.