Page 16 of King

A puff of air blows through my nose. “I’m surprised you have any bullshit left in you after a night on the shitter.” I look at her friends behind her. “And I’m surprised you’re all here after a night of wiping Princess Lea’s ass.”

“Excuse me?” Lea tries to stand tall but the way her cheeks redden tells me I’ve already hit a nerve.

“Damn, she’s coming in hot!” Isaac takes the joint from Damien, but he says nothing. He leans his head back on the brick like he’s watching a show. One he most likely orchestrated. Isaac rests his chin on the top of his stick, his eyes dropping to my blouse. “Looks like you’ll have to take that shirt off.”

I look Isaac in his eyes. “Why? Are you that desperate for a pair of tits?” Christian bursts into a laugh and I turn to him next. “Don’t think you’re any better because you act nice. You’re still a rich prick with idiots for friends. And as for you…” I turn to Damien.

Taking his time pulling the joint from his lips, he steps forward with a raised brow. “Careful.”

“I’m not threatened by you.” I don’t back down. “And I’m not about to be a pawn in your games because daddy doesn’t give you enough attention.”

“Well, shit,” Christian laughs again, whispers and murmurs becoming louder around us.

Damien takes a step closer but there’s already little space between us.

“You shouldn’t have said that,” Lea’s voice comes from beside me but with Damien in my face, she sounds miles away.

He’s in my space and I’m in his. Our eyes locked on each other and for the first time I’m realizing his eyes aren’t grey or blue. The sunlight catches them and I see that they’re both. One of each. His breath is a mix of peppermint and weed and when his chest touches mine, he looks down at me.

More whispers come from around us and I’m too stubborn to even check if Willow’s still there. I’m keeping my eyes on the wannabe King. I’m not budging. I know this game and I’m not playing it.

“You don’t belong here,” his voice sounds tired as if I’m not even worth his effort. Much different than the tone he gave me last night when he stopped Zane. “Leave, or wish you did.”

My eyes fall on his dewy lips, the exhaustion in his eyes before it hits me. “Did you just threaten me?”

“If you don’t get out of my face, it won’t be a threat, Joelle.”

The way he says my name, so effortlessly, his tongue landing between his teeth makes my heart patter. But he’s not getting away with that. “It’s Jo.”

His eyes roam my face like he’s searching for something before his gaze lands on the top of my head. My hair. I didn’t do much with it this morning. Some conditioner, oil and gel. I usually let it do its thing, coils and curls making my head look bigger than it is. My mom used to call it my lion’s mane. Brown with golden highlights in the sun.

He scoffs as if reading my mind. “More like Medusa.”

Lea cackles again, “You mean after Athena made her an ugly troll.”

I move my head to see her stupid smug face and I’m about to let a fist fly before there's an arm around my shoulder.

“Yes, Lea. We all know you like being a troll.” The smell of vanilla takes over, a girl in a blue hoodie appearing to my left. Purple highlights break up wavy dark strands, matching cat-eye glasses on her honey nose. “Now, are you done? Has she paid the toll enough for you to feel better about your sad, neglected life?”

Lea puts her palm in front of her mouth as if she’s yawning. “Oh look, it’s Alejandra already preying on the new girl.”

Damien glances at Christian before he takes a step back. “Allie,” he says, gesturing towards the door. This gives her enough space to pull me around them.

“Make way for ERA’s losers!” Lea’s voice rings as I’m pulled through the door. If it wasn’t for this girl dragging me into what looks like a small indoor garden, Lea wouldn't get away with that.

“Assholes,” I mutter.

“Accurate. But why waste your time with them when you could be getting to know me?” She pulls me to the corner of the large entryway before she unleashes me. Taking a step back, her brown eyes do a once over of my outfit before she shakes her head. “Lucky for you, you can have my shirt. I’m Allie.”

Allie gives me what looks like the first genuine smile I’ve seen in this school. She's a bit shorter than I am, but we look about the same size. Wider chest and bottom, boxy waist. Her eyes are smokey, matched with deep purple on her lips. She’s super pretty, oval face tying her look together. While her outfit looks as expensive as Lea’s, her hoodie and knee-high boots set her apart from the rest of the ERA crowd

“Thanks.” I return her smile, although mine is faint. "She should be happy you came along.”

Exhaling, my eyes wander our surroundings. It’s like this place gets bigger the longer I’m here. A golden eagle eyes us from where it hangs off a brick wall with vines. Above it are two balconies from the upper floors, students passing by, some waving down.

“Shit…” I turn around, fingers looped around the straps of my backpack as I scan the hallway for Willow.

Everything looks polished and expensive. A tall, fluffy tree stands in the middle behind a circular ledge, students sitting around it. Trophy cases and framed alumni plaques decorate the walls next to wooden lockers.