Page 21 of Twins to Tame Him

Taking her hand, Sebastian drew her inside a very upscale, very luxurious room painted in shades of soft pink and white. An intricate, vast chandelier hung from the high, round ceiling. Expensive and frothy-looking confections in bright silk—she supposed they were dresses—hung from a couple of rolling stands.

A rich purple velvet lounger stood in the middle of it, with trays of sweets and a bucket of champagne strewn about the room as if they had been expecting a...special guest.

“You planned this.”

Sebastian didn’t answer.

She busily mapped his broad back and his tapered waist and the outline of his buttocks in his black trousers with shameless greed, while he went around the large room turning on every light until Laila’s reflection glowed in the three-fold full-length gold-edged mirror.

Since she’d left her hair to air-dry, her curls framed her face in what Mama called untamed, unsophisticated wildness. The deep rust-colored dress brought out the gold in her skin, clinging to her body just enough to hint at her small curves. Tiny golden hoops and a thin gold chain added just enough style. Her transformation from her usual food-stained loose T-shirts and shorts to this was by no means a Cinderella makeover.

But now, standing still under such soft, forgiving lights, forced to consider her reflection, Laila saw the changes in herself. Her pregnancy had left no big mark on her frame except her breasts were a little bigger. Her body had bounced back pretty easily, given she’d birthed twins, and she’d always been grateful for that.

Thanks to good genetics—which her mother bemoaned she hadn’t inherited more of—she had glowing, golden-brown skin and the little lip gloss she’d borrowed from Annika made her wide mouth shimmer.

Whatever stress she’d carried along for months, weighing the biggest decision of her life, swinging back and forth, giving her a pinched look, was gone. Add the last month in with no worries about her finances or her career or the boys’ well-being, the carefree nature of her present days showed in her face, as if she’d shed layers of skin. Though nowhere in the realms of Annika or her mother and sister, Laila thought she looked pretty just then, with her amber eyes glinting with excitement, her face made of strong, distinct angles, and confidence that came with living life the way she knew best, with making decisions that were right for her and her two sons.

Sebastian came to stand behind her, his head cocked to the side, his hands hovering over her shoulders but not landing.

Completing the picture, she thought, in a sudden bout of uncharacteristic whimsy.

“I told them to pamper you. There’s a spa next door I was going to drag you to next.”

“So that I can be brought up to scratch for you? For the Skalas family?” she asked, needing to know how much he cared about such things.

He met her eyes in the mirror, his gleaming with simple truth as he believed it. “Because beneath this brave, stubborn, calculating exterior lies a very beautiful woman who deserves the best.”

“No need for false flattery,” she whispered, even as she loved the thrum of anticipation through her body. “You’ve already caught me.”

“Have I?”

“I... I’ve tried to relive that night, too. I’ve never been hornier, and I don’t have enough sexual experience to know how to keep that separate from what we’re trying to build with the boys. I know it’s possible but I’m just not...sophisticated enough.” She rushed on, her pulse dancing all over her body like an unearthed spark of electricity. “I left the villa today because seeing you lip-locked with that woman took me out at the knees. I needed to get you out of my head.”

“What if we can keep them separate? What if I promise you that whatever happens between us, the boys are outside of this? What if you let us explore this between us? Admit it, Dr. Jaafri. A part of you loves risks just as much as I do. Or you wouldn’t have played such an elaborate ruse on me.”

She met his eyes, and the fight went out of her, leaving her boneless and free like never before. “You don’t want any other woman?”

He shook his head.

“You want me?” she asked next, needing confirmation.


“Show me,” she demanded, feeling a boldness she’d never felt before.

He pressed closer.

Laila closed her eyes, better to absorb all the delicious sensations assaulting her. Sweat and spice, he smelled like the decadent brew she used to relish when she’d been at college. Chest to thighs, he was hard and hot against her, his breath making the hair rise on the nape of her neck. Slowly, his arms came around her waist, as if he meant to gather her whole.

Laila stiffened.

“Shh... I can hear the gears in your head churning,” he said, crooning at her ear, pulling her closer, his broad hand dancing across her not-so-flat belly. “You’re gorgeous, Laila.” One blunt-nailed finger traced the distinctive shape of her cheekbones, her too-large nose and her wide mouth as if he were memorizing the lines and details. “But more than that, you’re fascinating and complex and brave.” He rubbed his cheek against hers and the bristle scraped her skin deliciously. “You don’t know what a draw that is for me. So, stop trying to put this into some equation and just...feel.”

Exhaling on a shuddering breath, Laila relaxed. How an embrace could feel so arousing, she might never find out, but it was like an electrical charge running through her. Slowly, her back melted into his chest and a soft hiss escaped her mouth. His erection was a hot brand, notching up against her behind. One corded arm sidled up to lie under her breasts and then she was fully engulfed by him. His breath, his hands, his lips wound her up.

Feeling dizzy and drunk, Laila looked at his reflection in the mirror.

Those sharp cheeks dusted with dark pink, his nostrils flaring, his shapely lips slightly open, Sebastian looked as drunk on desire as she felt. The gray of his gaze deepened, into a maelstrom of hunger and need. He thrust his hips just a little and the little thrust sent damp warmth straight to her core.