Julia sucked in a breath as her sister sobbed again. “Okay, well, so you both said things you regret in the heat of the moment. You’ll both calm down and realize the other person didn’t mean it.”

“But that’s the problem. I think we do mean it. I think the fact that we’re bringing up things from years ago says a lot.”

“That those things are still unresolved.”

“Right. And they’re just…festering.” Another upset moan escaped her sister.

“Maybe you two ought to try counseling. Really…work toward airing everything out.”

“Maybe.” Alicia sniffled. “But you know Ethan. It’s not something his family did.”

“If he loves you, he’ll do it.”

“Maybe that’s what I’m afraid to find out. What if he doesn’t?”

Julia pressed her lips together, understanding all too well her sister’s fear. Ironic that she sat here counseling her sister about marriage problems while she sat in her contracted husband’s house. “Maybe you should let it settle for a few days, and see what happens. There’s no reason to rush into anything. Give it some time, and then bring up counseling, once you’re both no longer angry.”

Ally sniffled again as a knock sounded at Julia’s door. “Right, yeah.”

Julia kicked back the covers and shuffled to the door, tugging it open to find Grant. She signaled him to come in and wait a moment. “You’re both upset. You need to take a step back and calm down.”

“This just keeps happening, though. Over and over.” Alicia dissolved into sobs again.

“I know. I know it’s hard, Ally, but…you shouldn’t make any decisions right now. You’re way too upset.”

Alicia blew her nose and sniffled a few more times. “I really miss you.”

“I miss you too, sis. It’ll get better, I promise. Go get some sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

“Yeah. I know…or it won’t, and this whole thing will start over again.”

“Then you’ll call me again, and we’ll talk.”

“And you’ll make me feel better, promise?”

“I promise,” Julia said with a bob of her head.

“Okay. I’m going to go crawl into bed. I love you, Juju.”

“I love you, too. Good night.” Julia heaved a sigh as she collapsed into her armchair and ended the call. “Sorry.”

“Your sister?”

Julia nodded as her thoughts lingered on the call. Her sister’s strife seemed so normal–a stark contrast to her own unique situation, a marriage not born from love. For a fleeting moment, she wondered what it would be like to worry about things like chairs not being pushed in instead of fabricated scandals and corporate espionage. “Yes. She’s having marriage trouble.”

Grant eased into the chair next to hers. “That’s…given what we’ve spent the night talking about…ironic.”

“Right?” Julia said with a chuckle. “Good thing our marriage is solid, right?”

He smiled at her. “Actually, that’s what I was checking on.”

She offered him a confused glance. “Our marriage?”

“Yes,” he said with a nod. “I just…wanted to be sure you were okay with whatever decision I make. You’re a part of this, and your opinion matters to me.”

She pressed her lips together as the options floated past her. Despite her earlier upset, she had meant what she told him in his office. The decision was his, and he should do what he felt most comfortable with. “I’m fine with whatever you decide.”

“What would you do?” he asked.