Julia heaved a sigh as she shook her head. “I’m not helping you.”
“Really? So, you don’t care if Grant thinks you’re sleazy enough to sleep with his son?”
Julia’s heart thudded in her chest. She cared deeply, but the doubt lingered–would Grant see through Lydia’s lies, or would the shadow of his past cloud his judgment? Or would he not even care?
“He’s been cheated on before, you know? He doesn’t take kindly to it, I can assure you.”
Maybe he didn’t when his wife was a romantic interest of his, but she wasn’t certain this would turn out the way Lydia expected. “And what do you think destroying him will do for our relationship?”
“You may be able to hang onto him when he has nothing. No one will want him then, so he’ll be all yours. And the money will be all mine.”
Julia pushed up from her chair, her hands balled into fists. “I’m not helping you, Lydia. No. Whatever plans you have, you’re on your own. You won’t have my help, and you won’t do it while you’re under this roof.”
She took a step toward the door when Lydia grabbed her arm, tugging her back harshly. “Fine, if that’s not enough for you, let’s try this one. I’ll destroy Sierra.”
“Destroying Grant may not crush her the way you think. She’s strong, too.”
“Oh, I don’t mean her fall from grace once Grant Harrington is no longer the billionaire mogul he is now. No, I mean something far more personal.”
Julia furrowed her brow. “What are you talking about?”
“You ought to know. I’m certain you questioned her odd loyalty to one Christopher Metcalfe.”
Julia’s mind spun as she recalled wondering why Sierra had pushed so hard to get him hired.
Lydia let her arm go as she paced across the floor, her steps sharp and predatory. Her room, once a haven of comfort, now felt like a suffocating trap. Lydia’s shadow loomed large, her presence filling the space with a palpable sense of menace. The air grew heavy as tension built. “Turns out all it takes for Sierra to offer you her loyalty is a few…rather distasteful photos.”
A cold dread snaked down Julia’s spine. “What?”
Lydia spun to face her, a wicked smile on her face. “It seems my daughter has gotten herself into a few…compromising positions. All of which were captured on film. Just one press of a button and Sierra’s reputation is destroyed.”
“You wouldn’t.” Julia gasped, her stomach turning over.
“Wouldn’t I? She isn’t exactly loyal to me, is she? She parades around making nice with you and sniping at me at every turn. As far as I’m concerned, she deserves it.”
Julia’s lips parted as her features scrunched. “Lydia, she’s your daughter.”
“Yeah, well, you wouldn’t know it, would you?”
“No wonder,” Julia retorted.
“Oh, spare me the self-righteous saintly crap. If people treated you the way they treated me, you’d do the same thing.”
“Maybe you should ask yourself why people treat you differently.”
“And maybe you ought to keep your mouth shut and do what you’re told, or else be prepared to pick up the pieces when Sierra’s little photo shoot hits the media.”
Julia’s heart thudded hard against her ribs, a tumult of fear and indignation swirling within her. The thought of Sierra being dragged through this by her own mother sent a wave of nausea through Julia. She felt cornered. The weight of Lydia’s manipulation pressed down on her, forcing her into an impossible decision.
Julia’s mind raced. How could she navigate the minefield Lydia had laid at her feet? There must be a way to protect Sierra without playing into Lydia’s hands. She needed a strategy, one that would outwit Lydia. But for now, she needed to tread carefully, her every step potentially perilous.
“How do I know you actually have these pictures and you aren’t lying?”
Lydia’s lips curled into a devilish grin. She shifted her phone in her hands and tapped on it before she handed it over. “Swipe right for the full effect.”
Julia snatched it from her and studied the screen before she swiped it a few times. Her heart dropped at the images, and she tensed her jaw.
“Satisfied?” Lydia asked as she yanked the phone back.