“All that woman does is rest,” Lydia said as she lifted her wine glass.
“She nearly died, Lydia, and now she’s suffering from amnesia. It’s taxing.”
“It must be. Of course, some of us just push forward without being a drama queen.”
Grant narrowed his eyes at his ex-wife. “Are you actually trying to suggest that’s what you do?”
“Of course.”
“Lydia, you are the biggest complainer I know. And the biggest drama queen. You even top Sierra, and that’s saying something.”
Lydia rolled her eyes as she slammed the wine glass down on the white tablecloth. “You must be joking. Never mind. You are determined to misunderstand me. Let’s change the subject. How is your campaign going?”
“It’s not,” Grant answered as the staff delivered the first course.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean I withdrew from the race.”
“What? Grant! Why would you do that? The Senate seat was so important to you.”
“It was a little too much for Julia.”
Lydia clicked her tongue as she stabbed at a piece of meat. “Unbelievable. The one thing you’ve wanted for decades, and she asked you to drop out because it’s too much on her.”
“That’s not true. She had no idea I dropped out until after I did it. She had no say in it, and in fact, she was very disappointed that I had.”
“I’ll bet. Now she can’t parade around pretending to be a CEO or hang all over a Senator’s arm.”
Grant let his fork clatter to his plate. “You’re the one determined to misunderstand things, Lydia. Julia doesn’t parade around pretending to be anything. She is the most genuine person I’ve ever met.”
“Except now, she has no idea who she is. Or who you are.” Lydia shot him a wide-eyed glance over the rim of her wine glass.
The statement sliced through the air and struck him like a knife to his heart. “Her memories are starting to come back.”
“Oh? What does she recall?”
“Just bits and pieces here and there. Nothing major yet.”
“Hmm, too bad. Maybe one day that fluffy little brain will recall all the details she’s lost. Until then, looks like she’ll have to rest quite a bit, leaving us to dine together alone.”
Grant stared down at his plate. He’d have to start taking his meals alone in his room. Or maybe with Julia. The thought brought a smile to his face. Yes, that was an idea. They could rebuild their connection little by little.
He’d show her their relationship went far beyond the sole argument she remembered. And he’d avoid Lydia.
“I think I’ll actually opt to eat alone with Julia while she recovers, but thanks for the offer.”
Lydia narrowed her eyes as Worthington removed her plate and replaced it with another. “If Sleeping Beauty can stay awake long enough.”
“I’m certain she can. Given that she’s been home for just over twenty-four hours, I think she’s allowed a night off.”
“Didn’t she have that last night? When I came down for dinner, Worthington told me you were with her…watching movies.” The last two words came out with a note of disdain.
“Yes, we did. Julia actually enjoys my company without it coming with an expensive bauble or needing to be in an exotic place.”
“Isn’t she sweet? Too bad she can’t remember you.”
Grant shoved his plate away as he rose. “That’s it. I’ve lost my appetite.”