“No, it’s none of that. It’s just…I need to tell you something, and I need you to stay calm so we can figure out how to deal with this.”
The clouded expression on his features made her stomach turn. This would be a blow, especially when it came to Lydia’s willingness to involve Sierra.
“I think you should sit down.”
His eyes went wider as he lowered his chin. “Julia, you’re starting to scare me.”
“I’m sorry,” she said, “but this is going to come as a shock.”
Some of the color drained from his face as he eased into an armchair, his eyes trained on her.
“I remember who I saw meeting Christopher Metcalfe the night of my accident. The person who is one of the driving forces behind DG Industries.”
His features took on a tentative smile. “That’s great. Why would I–“ The smile faded as a knowing expression replaced it. “It’s Kyle, isn’t it?”
She shook her head, her forehead creasing as she prepared to deal the blow. “It’s Lydia.”
“What?” His face contorted with a mix of anger and disbelief, his hands clenching into tight fists. “Are you serious?” His voice trembled with the realization of the deep betrayal.
“I am,” she said.
“I can’t believe it. How could she do this?”
“There’s more,” Julia said, still blocking the door.
“No, there’s not.” Grant leapt from his seat as he stormed toward her. “I’m putting a stop to this right now.”
“No,” Julia said, as she shifted to block him.
“Julia, you can’t possibly have a reason to stop me from confronting her.”
“I have a very important reason.”
He offered her an incredulous stare. “Which is?”
She swallowed hard. “Sierra.”
His shoulders slumped, and he shook his head. “Julia, I appreciate your empathy toward everyone, but Sierra will hardly be destroyed by us revealing what her mother is. She can’t stand her. She just asked me to make sure she moves out soon.”
He tried to skirt around her, but she shifted again, keeping a firm grasp on the doorknob. “You don’t understand. I’m not worried about Sierra’s reaction to Lydia’s involvement in DG Industries. I’m worried about the fallout when Lydia ruins her.”
Grant’s features scrunched. “Ruins her?”
Her heart thudded harder against her ribs, and her stomach soured again at the thought of it. “She came to my room earlier. I guess she heard that I remembered?”
Grant’s confusion melted into a guilty expression. “Oh, no. I told her you did. Julia, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. She figured I recalled her involvement. She must have overheard us talking about that message I left you. Anyway, she threatened to ruin both me and Sierra if I told you anything about her involvement.”
“Could be a bluff,” he answered.
“It’s not. I’ve seen the pictures of Sierra.”
“And you?” he asked.
Julia shook her head. “She said she’d fake pictures of me and Kyle. She seemed fairly confident you’d fall for that, but just in case, she made certain that I knew she had the power to ruin Sierra’s reputation.”
Grant shrugged. “I know nothing’s going on with you and Kyle. So, that’s not going to work for her.”