He hated that Julia had been investigating with Kyle’s help, but now he began to wonder if Kyle had some involvement. Kyle had come to town looking to destroy him. He’d been in contact with the people who had grabbed Julia and Sierra.
Then he’d miraculously rescued them, worming his way into Julia’s empathetic heart and allowing her to provide him direct access to them. Had he manipulated her? Was he the driving force behind DG Industries?
“Yes, I’m sure she will be. And what do you think she’s going to find?”
Kyle shrugged. “I don’t know. Who did she think was behind it when she called you that night?”
“What was she working on then? You discussed it with her, didn’t you?”
“She was using Christopher Metcalfe to find more information. She didn’t trust him, and thought he’d lead us to something.”
Grant’s fingers tightened around his glass as Kyle referred to them as “us.” “Christopher Metcalfe. She didn’t like him from the time he was here for a dinner party with Sierra.”
“I can look into him if you’d like.”
“No,” Grant said with a slice of his hand through the air. “The last thing we need is you getting arrested again. Mitch says he can get the charges against you dismissed as long as you stay out of trouble.”
“No,” Grant said, his voice gaining his usual air of authority. “The last thing we need is you calling Julia in the middle of the night from jail again. And you will. Julia said you’re terrible at this stuff.”
He heaved a sigh. “I’m not terrible at it.”
“Apparently, you are, Kyle. You got caught once already. And according to Julia, you would have gotten caught the night you went together if it wasn’t for her stake out skills. Which I still don’t know how she got.”
“Her sister’s a cop,” Kyle answered, “but beyond that, all she ever says about her past is ‘it’s complicated.’”
“Hmm.” Grant glanced into his glass, making a mental note to ask her about it and see if she’d tell him anything different.
A pounding of heels made his stomach clench as he wondered if Lydia was returning for round two.
“Hello? Move out of the way, Kyle, I need to talk to Daddy!” Sierra shouted.
The tension between his shoulders eased as he heard his daughter’s voice.
“You’d better get Julia those cookies before she decides to take matters into her own hands.”
“I will,” Kyle said. “Sierra, always a pleasure.”
“Shut up, Kyle,” she said as she skirted around him into the office and closed the door behind her.
“Well, you don’t seem happy despite the latest turn of events,” Grant said as he collapsed into his chair.
“I’m thrilled. Sooooo thrilled. Julia is home, she remembers me–and you–and now we get Kyle back in the house.”
“That’s temporary.”
“Uh-huh, right. I’ll bet Julia mysteriously continues to have health issues that keep Kyle here monitoring her. Did he pay that doctor? I’m going to look into this.” She paced the floor back and forth in front of his desk.
“Sierra, relax. Julia’s back and she remembers all of us. That’s the important thing.”
“Is it?” She whipped to face him. “Now that Julia has almost died, is that enough for you to do what you need to do to make sure she stays here?”
Grant sucked in a breath at the words. “I intend to, Sierra, but we need to let Julia settle back in. A lot’s happened.”
“Yeah! Like Kyle cozying up to her every chance he gets. Daddy! Please stop putting this off.”
“Sierra, I’m handling it, but it’s not that simple.”