With a blanket wrapped around her, she insisted the security hub move to the living room where she’d parked herself on the couch to oversee the search for Julia. Still shaken, Grant kept a protective arm wrapped around her tightly as he waited for any word from Max. At least here, he didn’t have to see the giant reminder of Julia’s sweet smile grinning at him on what she’d likely count among the worst days of her life now.

The ringing of his phone brought him both hope and despair. “Max, tell me you found her.”

“Nothing, sir. We’re continuing to comb the area but haven’t found a trace of them yet.”

His mind whirled at the news. If they hadn’t stopped, they could be far from the city. Every second meant another mile further away. They could be anywhere. She could already be…

His mind refused to complete the thought. “Keep looking,” he forced himself to say with a steady voice.

“Yes, Mr. Harrington,” Max said before he signed off.

Grant leaned back into the supple leather of the couch, though the soft cushion offered him no comfort. His chest tightened as the stalled search put thoughts into his mind he didn’t want to think.

Every second they didn’t find her was a step closer to failure. His forehead creased as the worry threatened to overwhelm him.

The buzz of activity around him drowned out most other sounds as keys clacked, papers shuffled, and low conversations sounded with what little information they’d pieced together.

Grant slid his eyes closed as the weight of the situation settled on him. He drew in a shaky breath when a single word stopped his heart.

“Grant?” Julia’s soft voice said.

He must be hallucinating, imagining her. How he wished that voice was real. Next to him, Sierra tensed.

He snapped his eyes open, glancing at his daughter. The wide-eyed expression on her face confounded him. He flicked his gaze in the direction of her surprised stare.

Disbelief, shock, and elation created a dizzying mix of emotions in him as he stared at Julia hovering in the doorway. Alive, unhurt. Was he still hallucinating?

“Julia?” His hoarse voice barely resonated above a whisper as he rose and rushed toward her. His features melted as he pulled her into his arms in a bear hug, lifting her from the ground. She hesitated for a moment before her arms wrapped around him and squeezed.

He let go of her, cupping her face in his hands. “Julia, thank God. Are you okay?”

She nodded, her features still pinched. “How is James?”

“He’s okay. No surgery needed.”

Sierra raced past him and flung her arms around Julia’s neck. “Julia!”

His wife wrapped her arms around his daughter, stroking her hair.

He glanced at her bandaged wrists. “We need to get you to the hospital.”

She shook her head as she pulled back from Sierra, her arm still around her shoulders, worry still etched in her features. “No, there’s something we need to do first.”

He knitted his brows as he tried to understand the cryptic remark.

“And I need you to promise you’ll listen and not overreact.” She sniffled, laying a hand on his shoulder. “And it’s not going to be easy.”

His mind whirled at her request. His stomach churned, and a lump formed in his throat. Had she had enough of this life? Had Kyle convinced her to walk away? Or had the frightening experience done that?

Worry edged out the relief in his voice. “Julia, you’ve just been through a lot. It’s overwhelming, but we need to make sure you’re okay.”

Her features pinched again. “You don’t understand. We have to deal with this now.”

He couldn’t shake the bad feeling that twisted his gut into knots. “A-all right,” he stammered.

Julia rubbed a thumb across Sierra’s cheek. “Stay here, okay?”

Sierra tugged against her, upset creasing her features. “Julia, please don’t leave.”