Julia shrugged. “Well, someone has to. Before you destroy your own life trying to destroy Grant’s.”

“And what is it that I want?”

Julia studied him for a moment, allowing her mind to sort through and find the best words. “Acknowledgement, at least. Acceptance.”

Kyle shook his head as he stalked a few steps away. “No. The last thing I want is anything from him.”

“So, you just want to strip everything from him? That’s it?”

“It’s a start.”

“I don’t believe that.”

“I don’t care. Get in the car.”

She crossed her arms as she refused to budge. “Not until we’ve settled this.”

“There is nothing to settle, Julia. Not with you, not here.” He stalked to the passenger door and tugged it open, motioning for her to enter.

“Explain to me how destroying Grant helps you in any way.”

“Payback. It’s time he got a taste of what he’s been doling out all these years.”

“But he hasn’t. Kyle…all right, look, why don’t you tell him and see what he says? And if I’m wrong…you can do whatever you planned to do.”

Kyle let his head drop between his shoulder blades. “And how do you propose I do that, Julia? Waltz into Harrington House and say, ‘Hi, Dad, it’s me your long-lost son.’”

“I wouldn’t use those exact words, but yes. I think you should tell him.”

“And what makes you think he’ll listen? The minute I get anywhere near him, his security will likely take me out if he doesn’t do it himself.”

“I won’t let that happen. I promise.”

He flicked his gaze to the city lights humming in the distance. Had she convinced him?

When he glanced back at her, the pain still burned in his icy blue eyes, but there was something else, too. Something unreadable. Did he agree or had she just talked herself into an early grave?



Grant flicked his gaze, clouded with panic, disbelief, and fear at his security team head.

“Keep her on the line, we’ve almost got her location,” Max answered.

His mind whirled as he tried to think ahead in this chess match. If they found Sierra, could they locate Julia? Was she nearby? How far would they have driven in the time it took for them to get his daughter?

“We’re almost there, Sierra, just hang on,” he said, keeping his voice as steady as he could as the emotions roiling inside him threatened to boil over.

“We got it. She’s north of the city.” Max pulled two of his men with him as he inputted the location onto his cell phone’s GPS.

“I’m coming with you. But they should keep working on finding Kyle Carter and Julia.”

“Absolutely,” Max said with a bob of his head.

Grant snatched his cell phone from the desk. “Sierra, we’re on our way. I’m going to stay on the line with you until we get there, okay?”

“Okay,” she answered, her voice slightly stronger.