“Is there any way we can get those files back or…restrict their access to viewing them?”
Mike brightened a little, raising his chin. “Everything they downloaded has been double-encrypted. It’s been my policy for file storage since you hired me in case of just such an event. It’s not fail-safe, of course, but it’ll slow them down.”
“What are you saying? That they can’t read the files?”
“No. At least not right away. They’ll need to break the encryption to read them. That buys us some time to sort this out.”
“How strong is the encryption.”
“Top of the line, sir. I insisted on nothing less. Again, the safest files are those that haven’t been downloaded. And with some tech savvy, they may get through it, but we do have a safety net.”
The words provided little consolation to Grant.
“Let’s hope it provides us with something while I work to fix this mess.”
Mike Donovan bobbed his head up and down. “I’ll get back to monitoring this, sir.”
“I want a complete report of everything they do and how this happened on my desk ASAP.”
“Yes, sir,” he said as he strode to the door, seeming pleased to escape the scrutiny of the CEO.
Evie rushed in after him. “What do you need, sir?”
Grant buried his head in his hands. “A new life, I think.”
Clutching her notepad close to her chest, she offered him a gentle smile. “It seems your life has taken a turn for the better in many respects. Sadly, not this one.”
He offered her a slight smile, knowing her reference meant Julia. “This is a mess, Evie. And I shouldn’t be pushing you to help me fix it. You’re still recovering.”
“I am perfectly fine. Just a little residual soreness in my wrist, but this brace helps quite a bit.” She twisted her wrapped wrist in the air. “And you’ve weathered worse before and come out stronger. I have faith in you, sir. And speaking of recovering, how is Mrs. Harrington?”
“No ill effects from the event, thankfully.” His mind centered on Julia and her most recent set of challenges, starting with the car owned by DG Industries that nearly ran her down.
“I missed seeing her when I was out earlier this week.”
“It’s too bad you weren’t here. Then we wouldn’t have had that ridiculous incident with Bianca, and you would have the help you need.”
Evelyn pressed her lips together and flicked her eyebrows up. “I never cared for Ms. Moreau. She spent more time primping than working. I’d prefer to go it alone.”
“Honestly, I’d prefer only you, too, Evie, but it’s far too much after your near-death experience.”
“I’m not actually dead, Mr. Harrington. And I wasn’t that near it either, thanks to Mrs. Harrington. She was very brave. And I’m so pleased she has recovered well. That hit she took…”
Grant’s forehead creased at the thought of the terror she’d suffered.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I’m not. I just…wish it had been me and not her.”
“My husband says the same thing. Though I am ever so grateful she was able to piece the puzzle together. Now, what files did you need?”
Grant pulled his mind from his heartache over their experience and into the game. “Government bids. All pending. I want to review the dates on each and determine if we need to put together new bids.”
“Of course, sir. I’ll pull them all for you now.”
“Thanks.” He picked up the preliminary summary report from Mike and scanned it again before his cell phone chimed.
He hoped to find a message from Julia, but the lock screen showed one from Worthington instead. The report on Kyle Carter arrived. Would you like me to send it?