James let his head fall between his shoulders. “Please tell me I didn’t just hear that.”
Julia creased her forehead as she tried to appeal to him. “I’m sorry, but…he called earlier. He said he knew things that would change my mind. I have to know what he’s planning. We need to stay a step ahead of this.”
“Mrs. Harrington, this is a terrible idea. Let me call Max and his team can go question him.”
“He is never going to tell them anything. You know that.”
James chewed his lower lip as he considered it. With a shake of his head, he sighed. “And I suppose if I don’t take you, you’ll tell Mr. Harrington about Sierra and me?”
Julia stiffened, her features pinching. What sort of world did these people live in where blackmail was the first assumption? “No, of course not. I would never betray that confidence.”
“So, I can say no?”
“Yes.” Julia lowered her eyes and lifted a shoulder. “I’ll just go alone then.”
James’s brow furrowed deeply, his concern etched in every line of his face. “Mrs. Harrington, this could be dangerous. Mr. Harrington was extremely concerned about you.”
“And I am about him, too. I have to try to sort this out. He has enough problems to deal with.”
James clicked his tongue as he motioned toward the car. “You’re going to get me fired.”
“I promise you won’t get fired,” she said as he opened her door for her.
He slid in behind the wheel. “I’m not leaving you alone with him.”
“I hope not. His behavior is concerning.”
As the engine roared to life, the car glided down the driveway, weaving toward the bustling streets of the city. The world passed by in a blur. Every sight was tinged with an unsettling air of suspense. Her mind raced as every turn of the car brought her closer to the uncertain confrontation.
Her fight-or-flight instincts reached fever pitch by the time the pillars framing the park entrance came into view. Kyle sat on the same bench she’d met Grant on just days earlier. That fated meeting had led to a series of misunderstandings that pushed her toward Kyle, to begin with.
She swallowed hard as James pulled the car to a stop. He opened her door, and she stepped out, the cool autumn air sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine.
After a few steps forward, he twisted to spot her, a smile forming until he spotted James. The grin faded quickly, and he offered her a concerned glance as she closed the gap between them.
“Julia, you can’t be serious?”
“Hey,” James barked at him, shifting his jacket to reveal a handgun tucked in his waistband. “I’m watching you.”
Kyle seemed visibly disturbed by the threat of violence. Julia slicked a lock of hair behind her ear.
“Now, I’m even more concerned.”
“Please, let’s not start with that again,” she said.
“Start with–” He dropped his gaze to the grass as he shook his head. “Julia, I have been concerned about you since I saw you at that press conference. And now…you’re here but with one of your husband’s goons–”
“James is hardly a goon.”
Kyle pressed closer to her. “He has a gun, Julia. Do you think he’d hesitate for even a second to use it?”
“I’m not going to discuss with you my choice to bring James or the reason he is carrying a weapon. Why are you doing this?”
“I told you, I’m concerned about you.”
Julia shook her head, dismissing the idea. “No. This behavior goes way beyond professional concern.”
Kyle set his hands on his hips as he sucked in a breath. “I’ve just seen abuse too many times to–”