“Great! Perfect. Tomorrow afternoon. I’ll text you.”

“Sounds good.”

Sierra toddled over to her on the towering heels and offered her an awkward half-hug before she gave Grant another embrace. “Good night.”

Julia smiled up at Grant as his daughter left the room.

“Well, that was progress,” Grant said.

“Yes. Hopefully, we both come back from that shopping trip unscathed.”

Grant chuckled at the remark before he refilled his bourbon. “She likes you. She just doesn’t want to show it. She’s a little sensitive since her mother left at such a young age.”

Julia sucked in a breath as she processed the words. They weren’t any of her business, really. The threat of blurring lines flashed in her face again. “That’s too bad. Though I’m hardly a replacement.”

“You probably give her feelings more consideration than Lydia ever did.” Grant stared down into the reflective surface of his drink.

Julia wondered if regret coursed through him over the failed relationship. She wanted to say something supportive, but she had no idea what their relationship had been like.

As she pondered her response, Grant filled in the silence. “Sorry, you don’t need to be subjected to the complete mess of that situation.”

She offered him a consoling smile. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”

“I’m not,” he answered candidly, setting his stormy eyes on her.

What did he mean by that? Had their relationship been that turbulent? Without any other explanation, she substituted a smile for her response. “Well, I don’t think we’re going to solve anything else tonight, so I think I’ll go to bed.”

“Of course. I hope you sleep well.”

“You, too. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.”

He grinned at her. “Let’s hope.”

With a sigh, she slipped out of the room, relieved to have the challenging conversation behind her. However, the escalating dangerous events left her with numerous unanswered questions. Was Kyle related to DG Industries? Was this all part of the plot?

Her mind raced as she swept into the serenity of her bedroom to change. She collapsed on the edge of the soft mattress, ready to stretch out and hoping to sleep when she spotted the blinking notification light on her phone.

She swiped at her display, finding a text message from Ethan waiting. Last chance to flee from his awful city and come home with me!

The message made her chuckle, though if Ethan realized how ill-timed it had been, he would not have been nearly as amused. Julia’s hand went to the compass around her neck, a constant reminder of a simpler time. The cold metal pressed against her thumb as she rubbed it.

She found herself pondering if she could actually walk away from Grant and disappear. What should have been a simple answer seemed anything but in the face of what they’d already gone through together.

She dismissed the thought and typed back a simple message to her brother-in-law. Sorry! I’m staying!

A quick response said: Well, at least I can tell Ally I tried. Flight leaves tomorrow at noon so meet me at the airport if you change your mind.

Julia laughed at the persistence as she shook her head. Don’t hold your breath.

She set the phone on the charger and slid under the sheets. As she turned out the light, plunging the cavernous room into darkness, she found herself staring at the ceiling as she pondered the events of the day.

What would make an upstanding doctor do what he did today? Why was he so insistent with her despite her attempts to explain?

She went over every piece of information again and again, but it didn’t add up. His behavior was odd, but also unexplainable.

She finally drifted off to sleep, tossing and turning restlessly for the remainder of the night. Groggily, she dragged herself from bed the following morning. Her eyes slid closed involuntarily as she recalled the shopping date with Sierra today. Would she have the energy to make it through?

Given what Grant told her last night about Sierra’s mother, Lydia, she couldn’t cancel. With a yawn, she pushed herself to head into the bathroom and dress for the day.