He glanced up at her, a storm of emotions in his eyes. She closed the gap between them, her eyes questioning.

“They traced the car that nearly hit you yesterday.”

Julia’s stomach flip-flopped.

“DG Industries.”

A flood of thoughts rushed through her mind, and the name stopped her heart for a beat. The revelation about DG Industries linked to Evelyn's kidnapping and now to an attempt on her own life sent a shiver down her spine. This couldn’t be a coincidence. Had they meant to scare her or kill her?

A warm hand slid around her shoulders and guided her to the executive chair. “Sit down, Julia. I’ll get you a drink.”

Grant hurried across the room to pour her a brandy. She didn’t miss the subtle shake of his hand when he offered her the drink before leaning against the desk. He rubbed her shoulder as she took a sip.

“Thank you. I’m okay, just…surprised.”

“I’m disturbed. This is not a coincidence. I want a security team with you now more than ever.”

Julia sipped her brandy again. “Do you think…”

Grant took her hand as her voice trailed off. “What, Juls?”

“Do you think they meant to scare me or…”

His grip tightened around her fingers as his jaw clenched. “I don’t know. But this was far too close of a call. And I’m not willing to take another chance with your life.”

Julia stared down at their clasped hands, the lines of their contract blurring again for her. “I appreciate that.”

She shifted in her seat, heaving a sigh as her eyes fell on the polished mahogany desk. “You don’t need to thank me. I want you protected. You’ve already received a threatening note. And I don’t want to frighten you, but I received this yesterday.”

Grant slid the photograph from the envelope.

Julia’s features pinched as she stared at the image of herself in the sapphire blue dress. “Is this from the night of the gala?”

“Yes. And as stunning of a photo as this makes, I received a very threatening call to go along with it.”

Julia let her glass clatter to the desk as her shoulders slumped, her mind a whirlwind of guilt. Was her presence making his life worse? “I really don’t seem to be improving your situation at all, do I?”

“That couldn’t be further from the truth, Julia. I am more than glad to have you with me on this. Your support is…very welcome. But we have to be careful.”

Julia nodded as she glanced at the picture again. “Right. And no further information on who owns this company?”

“Nothing. It’s been impossible to track down, it’s shielded in legal red tape and shell companies.”

Julia heaved a sigh, her mind racing as she struggled to piece together the puzzle without all the clues. She drummed her fingers against the desk as she bit her lower lip. “Could it be tied to Kyle Carter?”

Grant studied her for a moment. “Mitchell’s looking into Dr. Carter. Maybe we’ll find something there. Until then, though, promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I promise.”

“No risks, Julia. No abandoned warehouses or Nancy Drew investigating, okay?”

“I already promised. No one values my life as much as me.”

The comment brought a chuckle from him. “Good. I’ll make sure someone’s with you all the time, too.”

“Thanks.” She smiled up at him, their hands still clasped as they shared a quiet moment.

It came to a quick end as the doors to his study burst open. Sierra stomped her way inside. “Daddy! You’re back. Thank goodness.”