Her eyebrows knitted as she tried to follow the conversation.
He offered her a consoling glance. “Julia, you’ve been in the emergency room twice in as many months with…odd injuries.”
“I guess I’m a bit of a klutz, though I hadn’t expected to find a missing woman or for a car to nearly run me over.”
“Okay, that explains those, sure, but it doesn’t explain the other odd behavior.”
She grabbed her drink, the wet, cold glass pressing against her skin. “Odd behavior?”
“Yes. I looked through your records from your first visit. I must admit, I followed that story, so I did see the press conference after your husband’s arrest. And then there was yesterday. And now today.”
“Kyle, I’m very sorry, but I’m not following you.”
“I noticed something peculiar about your husband’s behavior yesterday. His demeanor…it didn’t fit with someone whose partner had been in grave danger. He was cold, austere. His biggest concern seemed to be my attention on you.”
Julia shrank down in her seat. She couldn’t explain his behavior, but she assumed it stemmed from their lack of emotional connection. “I…uh…”
“And today,” he continued, “when you came in, you were flushed, upset, distracted. Julia, this all adds up to one very common thing.”
She arched an eyebrow as he spoke again.
The words smacked her in the face. Despite Grant’s recent cold, distant behavior, she reminded herself they were merely contractual partners. Warmth was not part of the deal. This wasn’t abuse, it was just indifference, but she couldn’t explain that. She began to shake her head when he held up a hand.
“Julia, please. Not all abuse is physical. There are many forms of it. And I see all the signs in your husband. He is controlling. And the fact that you make the excuses that you do–I’m a klutz, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have. Those are hallmark signs of an abused woman.”
“I’m not being abused,” she said. “Grant is…”
The doctor leaned forward, awaiting her answer.
“Intense,” she choked out. “Yes. He’s…a very aggressive businessman. He likes to get his way. But he is nothing like that in a relationship. I promise. He’s not abusive.” She forced a nervous smile, trying to reassure him.
He stared at her for a moment before he reached forward to take her hand. She tried to pull away, but he wrapped his other hand around hers, tugging it closer. “Julia…”
His words were interrupted by Grant’s booming voice. “Julia?”
She snapped her gaze to the lobby, finding him storming toward them. After the misunderstanding this morning, her mind reeled. He’d likely assume this to be another romantic liaison.
“Grant!” She ripped her hand from Kyle’s.
His figure loomed as he approached the table. Time seemed to slow. Julia spotted the tightening of his jaw, the hardening of his eyes, the unspoken storm brewing in his gaze.
The doctor’s features twisted with annoyance as he tossed his napkin on the table. “Oh, that’s just perfect.”
“It’s not what it looks like,” Julia said as she leapt from her seat.
Kyle shook his head. “You know, it’s the fact that those are the first words out of your mouth, Julia, that makes me even more concerned about this situation–and you.”
Grant snapped his gaze at the man. “What situation?”
“This,” Kyle said, standing from his seat and motioning toward the two of them. “This is not healthy and it’s not normal. Julia, step away from him.”
Julia’s heart pounded, disbelief coursing through her. “Dr. Carter, I’ve already told you that you have this all wrong.”
“Have what all wrong? Juls, what is going on here?”
Kyle shook his head. “Don’t answer that. You don’t owe him any explanations.”