“Please, Ethan, I don’t want to get into this. Let’s just enjoy the visit.”

Ethan’s eyes fell on the compass around her neck. “All right. I see you’re still wearing the compass, and as long as that’s around your neck, I guess we should be happy.”

Julia grabbed the necklace and glanced down at it. “I haven’t forgotten.”

“That’s all we can ask for.”

As they finished their coffee, reminiscing about the sleepy Maine town that had once been her whole world, nostalgia tugged at her heart. Reflection filled the walk back to the hotel, each step a reminder of the stark contrast between her tranquil past and the complicated present. The bustling streets echoed her tangled thoughts as they weaved through the crowd.

When they stood outside the high-rise, Julia slipped her arms around him in a hug before kissing him on the cheek.

“Oh,” he said before they parted ways, “I have a care package from Ally for you. I’ll run up and grab it.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“Great,” he said, grabbing her hand and tugging her toward the hotel with a smile. “It’ll give me one more chance to convince you to come home.”

“Not funny,” she said with a chuckle as they disappeared into the hotel lobby.

Once in the privacy of his hotel room, Julia relaxed a little, feeling as though she could disappear from the world for just a little bit.

Ethan rummaged through his suitcase before he found the carefully packed jar of wild Maine blueberry jelly. Ethan showcased the jar in his hands. Its deep purple hue immediately reminded her of late summer days in Maine. A smile bloomed on her face, a mix of gratitude and nostalgia.

“Oh, yay, a taste of home.” She clapped her hands before she accepted the jar and stowed it in her purse.

They spent another half an hour sharing each other’s company before she finally forced herself to stand. With an afternoon session looming for him, she left him behind to enjoy the conference.

The cacophony of the city surrounded her as she strode from the hotel, heartsick to leave it behind. Her hand instinctively went to the compass pendant. She rubbed it as she walked along, lost in thought.

She had to return to the turmoil of the Harringtons. Thoughts of board issues, DG Industries, Sierra, and the puzzling shifts in her husband's demeanor flooded her mind.

In any instance, she’d made an agreement, and she planned to stick to it. She hadn’t found much in her private investigation of DG Industries. Grant had insisted she leave it to his security team, stating he worried over her safety, but tracking them had proved difficult.

With no headway, the investigation stalled, and they turned their concentration toward winning the board over as the vote of no confidence still loomed.

Lost in thought, Julia’s mind waded through the turbulent sea of conversation she’d had with Ethan. Her mind swam as she processed the words, then the problems facing her at home. With her mind preoccupied, she stepped off the curb, oblivious to the danger lurking. The screech of tires jolted her back to reality, her heart leaping into her throat. She froze, eyes wide in terror as the dark sports car skidded toward her, the world narrowing to the imminent collision.



“Sir?” Worthington asked, his features creasing with concern. “Is everything all right?”

Grant snapped out of his daze and pressed the button to reset the phone. He jabbed at the line for his security team head as he shook his head. “No, everything is not all right.”

His mind raced through possibilities. The threat against Julia wasn’t just a shadow looming, it had cast a pall over everything. The implications were far-reaching, ranging from personal safety to business stability.

“What happened? Is there anything I can do?”

“I’m calling Max. Someone just threatened Julia.”

“Oh, my word,” Worthington answered. “Shall I call the police, sir?”

“No.” Calling the police may do more harm than good. If they wanted money, he’d pay it. But he had to know what he was dealing with. The line trilled before Max picked up.

“Mr. Harrington. I’ve got Mrs. Harrington under surveillance, but no word yet. As soon as–“

“Fine, Max, I need you to trace a call I just received. Get to my office now.” He didn’t wait for a response before he slammed the receiver down and returned his gaze to the photograph.