Julia heaved a sigh, letting her eyes fall onto the floor, gleaming in the morning’s bright sun. “Because I could have done that a dozen times already.”
Sierra’s eyebrows knit at the words.
“Sierra, I’ve known about you and James since the day we found Evelyn Carter. And I haven’t said a word to anyone. I’m not going to tell. It’s not my business.”
Sierra’s expression softened from anger to contemplation. The subtle change suggested an underlying depth Sierra usually hid. “You’re right. It’s not. So, just keep that pretty mouth shut, and we won’t have a problem.”
She pushed past Julia, knocking into her. Julia stumbled back a step, focusing on Sierra as she stepped into the morning sun. “Sierra…one more thing?”
“What?” Sierra snapped, twisting to face her.
“Why keep it a secret?”
“None of your business.” With that, Sierra spun on her spiked heel and stormed off.
Julia followed her retreat toward the house with a sigh. She seemed like a troubled girl, though her insistence upon secrecy and the veiled threats suggested an undercurrent in the Harrington household she hadn’t fully grasped yet. With a shake of her head, she dismissed the thought. She shouldn’t insert herself into their life.
She turned to find James’s pleading eyes on her. “Mrs. Harrington…”
Julia’s features softened, and she offered him a consoling smile. “James, you don’t need to explain.”
The man clamped his lips together, his features still pinched.
“Really, you don’t. It’s your business, not mine.”
“Have you really known for weeks?”
Julia nodded. “Yes. I heard your voice when I called Sierra about Grant’s arrest. I recognized it later when I came by for your help.”
James set his hands on his hips, his chin dropping to his chest as he blew out a long breath. “And you said nothing to Mr. Harrington?”
Julia shook her head.
“If he knew…”
“Your secret is safe with me. I won’t say anything.”
“Thank you,” James answered, genuine gratefulness shining in his eyes.
“Of course.” Julia sucked in a deep breath. “Uh, now, if I could trouble you for my keys…”
“Keys, yes. Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you?”
Julia trailed behind him through the kitchen, the tension still palpable. “No, I’m happy to drive, thanks.”
“All right.” James retrieved the keys to her Porsche, dangling them in front of her.
She snatched them with a smile. “Thanks.”
She crossed to the sporty little car and slid behind the wheel. “James…”
“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.” She fired the engine and pulled out of the garage and down the driveway.
The grin on her face grew with each mile she drove closer to the city. She craved normalcy from her old life. No secrets, no money trails, no high stakes.
Her smile faded as she glanced down at the Porsche symbol on her steering wheel. She was driving a Porsche. Her eyes shifted to the massive diamond on her finger. She was wearing a wedding ring and an outrageously large engagement ring.