She snapped a shocked glance his way.

“Out already?”

“Yeah, early morning meeting.” She slicked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Why? What have you heard?”

He stared at her for a moment. Why was everyone acting so strangely today?

“Nothing. Did you happen to see Julia on your way in?”

“What? No! Why would I have seen Julia?” Her rushed speech made him think she was lying. Had Sierra caught her with her beau? He dismissed the idea immediately. If she had, she would have reported it immediately.

“She was on her way out, I thought maybe you passed each other.”

“Nope. Well, I’ve gotta run, Daddy. I’m super busy with publishing things. Bye!” She darted up the stairs before he could respond.

His face scrunched as he tried to understand the behavior of the two most important females in his life.

“I’m starting to believe I’m going insane, Worthington.”

Worthington chuckled. “I doubt that, sir.”

“It’s not me, is it? Julia was acting strange this morning, and now Sierra.”

“Ms. Harrington’s behavior is always an enigma to me.”

“And the current Mrs. Harrington’s behavior?” Grant leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingertips together as he awaited the man’s response.

“She seemed…eager to get to her appointment.”

“Eager,” Grant repeated, hating the sound of the word.

“If I may, sir, is there some reason this particular appointment is of concern to you?”

Grant tugged his briefcase onto the desk and snapped it open, shuffling through files. “Should there be?”

Worthington flicked his eyebrows up. “I don’t know, but you seem…agitated by it.”

“She doesn’t usually leave the house, does she?”

“No, she spends much of her time working on her writing.”

He wasn’t sure if that brought him comfort or made it worse. He weighed the words before he selected a file and closed the briefcase. “She’s seeing someone else.”

The surprise on Worthington’s face was unmistakable. “Mrs. Harrington is…seeing another man?”

“I’m fairly certain, yes.”

Worthington’s brows knitted as he weighed the words.

“I have to know who he is. What she sees in him.”

Worthington lifted his chin. “I understand, sir. I hope you get the answers you seek, but…”

Grant snapped his gaze up from the folder he browsed. “But?”

“I only hope this does not cause unnecessary strife where none is needed,” Worthington said, his words carefully measured.

With a sigh, Grant bobbed his head up and down. “You and me both, Worthington.”