“Nothing, sir? At all? On either side.”

Grant leapt from his seat with a sigh. “I said leave it alone.”

“On that note, I should remind you dinner is in thirty minutes.”


With a nod of his head, Worthington disappeared from the room, leaving Grant alone with his thoughts. His butler read him like a book after decades of service. But the man failed to comprehend the intricacies of his relationship with Julia. Or lack of relationship.

He took on too rosy a view of the world, assuming they’d end up happy simply because they were meant to be or good for each other. But four previous marriages disagreed with his butler’s view.

His mind wandered to each failed chapter that had closed with indifference or regret. Yet, in this case, it was different. The thought of their contract ending didn’t bring relief or indifference, but an unaccustomed sense of loss. Her resilience and her gentle nature had etched themselves into his life in a way he hadn’t anticipated.

Though Julia was different…

The tinkle of the woman’s voice interrupted his thoughts as she cheerily greeted Worthington on her way down to dinner.

“I made wonderful progress on my book today, thank you for asking,” she said.

He could see why the staff liked her and hoped she stayed. Naturally kind, she probably treated them better than any of his other wives.

He took a final sip of his bourbon before he left the office behind. Even with the countdown to their contract end inching closer by the day, he had the time with her now. He could be happy with that…maybe.

* * *

The blinding morning sun sparkled off the buildings that filled in around them as James drove Grant into the office the following morning.

“Got a lot on the agenda today, Mr. Harrington?” James asked with a flick of his eyes into the rearview mirror.

“Isn’t there always?” Grant replied as he smoothed his tie. “To make it worse, Evie’s out today. Follow-up appointment with the doctor.”

“How is Mrs. Clarke doing, sir? I can’t believe she’s back to work.”

“Me either,” Grant said, “though I’m glad she is, as selfish as that sounds. She’s doing well. Bound and determined to do as much work as she can to keep the office running smoothly. She seems to be doing pretty well.”

“That’s good.”

Grant eyed the man in the driver’s seat. “I’m not sure I really thanked you for your role in that. Both with Evie and Julia.”

“It was my pleasure, sir. I’m glad I could be of assistance.” James slid the car next to the curb outside of the steel tower housing Harrington Global.

He hurried to open the door for Grant.

As Grant stepped out into the cool morning air, he buttoned his suit jacket. “Mrs. Harrington’s meeting me for lunch today. Can you have her here around one?”

“Absolutely, sir. Have a great morning.”

He strode into the building with his briefcase in hand, pushing through the glass doors into the sun-drenched lobby.

With a wave to the security guard, he entered the elevator and rode to the penthouse floor of the building. He glanced at his watch as the doors whooshed open. Five hours until lunch. He wondered how much work he could push out of the way before then so he could enjoy a leisurely lunch.

At this early hour, he passed by the quiet offices and cubicles as he reflected on the meal. It would provide them a chance to discuss the upcoming dinner party planned with several members of his board.

Despite the lack of information on the DG Industries front, they had to move forward with tackling their other issue: ensuring enough board votes for him to maintain control of Harrington Global.

They’d arranged an event with several members, some for him and some against, to showcase his newly changed image.

With Julia at the opposite end of his table, he didn’t have to worry about decorum or boorish behavior. Instead, he hoped it wouldn’t overwhelm her. She’d already been through so much, including a very public defense of him after his murder charge.